Bitrump to List More Utility Tokens to the Platform this Quarter

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — The UAE-based trading platform and crypto exchange are all set to expand their digital assets portfolio after a lot of planning and preparation. Listing new utility tokens on their platform is their main focus so that it facilitates better trading opportunities and increases trade volume surges.

Speaking about listing utility tokens, the Director of Bitrump, Xavier Perry, commented, “Bitrump has all the major crypto listed on its platform. But, owing to the zealous trading response from the global users, we have decided to broaden our list by adding more utility tokens backed up by natural resources. Our sole focus will be on the emerging Altcoins other than the already existing ones.”

Owing to its scalable and innovative trading offerings and options, Bitrump provides the best trading experience. Here are some of its key features:

1. A diverse range of crypto trading pairs.
2. Key encryption and multi-signature technology improve the security of cold wallets.
3. Instant AML and KYC verification for users.
4. High liquidity of crypto assets offered to its users.
5. Two-factor authentication for authentication of changes and withdrawal in account settings.

Bitrump has added thousands of users in the 2nd quarter of this year and also launched its white-label architecture for the local crypto industry and enterprises.

About Bitrump:

Bitrump is a leading international digital asset trading platform based in UAE. It supports cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, & Tether. Bitrump was founded by blockchain enthusiasts and pioneers. Bitrump’s core team comprises professionals from world-renowned internet and finance companies, including the earliest adopters/professionals of cryptocurrencies who have rich experience in blockchain R&D, global operations, and associated services in the industry. It is the first fully regulated cryptocurrency exchange based in the UAE. Bitrump is engaging with the central bank of the UAE to formulate a regulatory policy framework for cryptocurrency exchanges operating in the region.


SOURCE Bitrump