Trump Does Bitcoin (BTC) Favor by Printing His Name on Stimulus Checks

Alex Dovbnya

Bitcoin (BTC) evangelist Pierre Rochard criticizes U.S. President Donald Trump for printing his name on stimulus checks


According to a new report by The Washington Post, U.S. President Donald Trump did manage to convince Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to print his name on all stimulus checks.          

While commenting on the news, prominent Bitcoin advocate Pierre Rochard, who joined the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange back in October, quipped that the U.S. Dollar was ‘Trump’s money.’ 

TrumpBucks are on their way

As reported by U.Today, Trump made an announcement about sending checks to 80 mln U.S. taxpayers as part of its fiscal stimulus package that is meant to cushion the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

The recipients of $1,200 IRS payments, which have been colloquially dubbed ‘Trump’s Bucks,’ will see the name of the POTUS on the left side of their checks. This ‘unprecedented’ move is expected to give a major boost to Trump’s re-election campaign.  

According to Mnuchin, the vast majority of taxpayers are expected to receive their cash by Wednesday. 

‘People’s money’

Rochard’s criticism resonates with Robert Kiyosaki’s recent tweet about ‘fake dollars.’ The author of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ called Bitcoin ‘people’s money’ that cannot be simply printed by the U.S. Federal Reserve. 

However, it would be beyond delusional to expect Americans to stack sats with their stimulus checks. Those who have already received their relief payments are spending it on food, gas, and some household staples.