How Does Blockchain Improve Malware Detection?

  • Although we usually discuss about its benefits blockchain With regard to cryptocurrencies, we should not lose sight of the fact that this technology could have a similar or more important use: to trace malware
  • This innovation that emerged with bitcoin brings with it a number of essential qualities to explore. malware on another level, and it’s better to know why it’s so optimistic

If you read our articles often, you may have noticed that, especially over the past few years, we have talked a lot about blockchain technology, almost always in relation to bitcoin and altcoins. But since this advance not only allows the commercialization of crypto, but Certainly transforms the conversation with online services, then we invite you to learn how it improves blockchain find out malware,

In modern computing, where virtually all of our important data resides online, it makes more sense than ever to try to figure out how cybercriminals operate, but it’s also important to understand how. New technologies have come to provide us with a more secure environment,

History of blockchain And this malware

You don’t have to be an expert to think that, in 2008, when Nakamoto presented blockchain With his bitcoin cryptocurrency in hand, he could sense that the technology would have a “life of its own”.It is certainly being adopted in many other sectors who wish to take advantage of the many benefits offered by it.

In any case, and regardless of your assumptions, what is clear is that because of its innate characteristics such as its persistence, anonymity and even auditability, blockchain This quickly caught the attention of cybersecurity experts, who saw many of these properties as essential to detect and attack. malware,

old ways fade away

In fact, one thing that is clear is that malware evolves with the rest of the technology, so Those old detection systems are becoming obsolete and we need to lean on the latest in innovation,

The key is that the old ways are only able to detect a malwareor declare it as such, when it is part of the database malware known, then New threats overcome them,

by observing the behavior of the files, and malware already classified, to discover some of the behaviors that may be derived from them, The jargon is prone to high rates of false positives, known as FPRs, which, while harmless, also create a huge waste of time.,

And in times when productivity is essential, this risk is unacceptable for companies that must produce the greatest amount of products and services in the shortest amount of time and given the difficulties in locating them accurately. malwaremany times They’re Not Heeding the Alert at the End,

blockchain Reduces the rate of FPR in detection malware

blockchain Introduced a whole new way to find out malware which is based on community exchange of file signatures malware suspects, To put it in more simple words it means that someone is automatically affected by malicious software, we all have information about that attack. Then there is no need to wait for the database to be updated manually. They will do it immediately.

This allows for obtaining confirmation of information about the various malicious programs stored in the block chain. malware Undoubtedly more accurate, reaching 94% effectiveness on Android, for example.

Various demonstrations made by specialized experts in the field also confirm that the RPF rate is low, therefore Less likely to be taken seriously by someone,

Because blockchain The last hope in cyber security?

to find out why blockchain The last hope in cyber security, let us stop at an essential aspect of this technology, which is the sum of the parts, which is decentralization that no matter what conclusion the user receives, it seems that they all achieve it together. to maximize security.

In this new era, the user sends the hash value of the file malware The blockchain network is skeptical for the documentation. To enable others, if that value matches with a file on their computer, they can add outgoing information that confirms or corrects that it is a care application.,

thus, We may share suspicious signatures malware without interference from any central organizationsuch as antivirus vendors, Avoid based on your update time,