Strong Altcoins to Look Into During the 2022 Bear Market

Anyone that has been around the crypto industry long enough is no stranger to the bear market. It is a highly turbulent period for everyone within the industry. During bear markets, supply is greater than demand, confidence is low and prices drop. Following the crypto crash of 2022, the crypto industry is currently in an adjustment period. Winter is here, and it looks like it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. 

Amidst the chaos and confusion, there still lies an opportunity for financial gain in the market. Bear markets provide an avenue for long-term cryptocurrency purchases as crypto prices are at an all-time low. These could pay high dividends when the cycle reverts. 

Buyers should look to these three altcoins – Neo (NEO), Kusama (KSM) and Mushe Token (XMU) for a possible purchase t as they are some of the best choices in the market. In this piece, we examine the pros and cons of the three tokens. 

Invest in Neo (NEO) during bear market

Smart contract-capable blockchain platform Neo and its native token, NEO Coin, is an exciting long-term cryptocurrency option, one that is bound to pay off in the long run. The Neo platform is a blockchain-based platform designed to support smart contracts and decentralised applications (dApps), much like Ethereum (ETH) and EOS (EOS). 

Neo is China’s first-ever blockchain platform. Initially launched in 2014 under the name “Antshares”, the open-source platform rebranded three years later and has since worked on its goal to become the foundation for the next generation of the internet. Neo is often called the Chinese version of Ethereum (ETH).

The Neo platform does not charge gas fees, allowing it to grow and achieve maximum speed consistently. Neo is able to process as many as 1000 transactions per second (tps). The NEO Coin acts as a governance token for the platform, granting its holders voting and decision-making rights within the Neo community.

According to data from Coinmarketcap, the NEO Coin has a market cap of USD 654,171,929, a circulating supply of 70,538,831 NEO Coins and a maximum supply of 100,000,000 NEO. 

Altcoins to Look Into During the Bear Market - Neo (NEO), Kusama (KSM) and Mushe Token (XMU) 1

Kusama (KSM) 

Kusama (KSM) is an experimental blockchain system designed to provide a massively interoperable and scalable environment for developers. Kusama (KSM) was built by the same team responsible for the Polkadot network, one of the world’s most successful interoperable blockchains, as a preparatory network for developers looking to innovate and deploy their own blockchain networks. 

Kusama (KSM), just like Polkadot (DOT), possesses on-chain governance capabilities, which are both decentralised and permissionless. This allows anyone with the platform’s native cryptocurrency, KSM, to vote on governance proposals such as protocol changes and feature requests. 

According to Coinmarketcap, KSM has a total supply of 10 million tokens, 8.47 million of which are currently in circulation. The token’s maximum supply is not fixed and increases at an inflation rate of 10℅ per year. KSM is available on several crypto platforms such as Binance, Coinbase and Huobi Global. As the bear market rages on, its price is bound to go down, even more, making it an ideal long-term cryptocurrency option. 

Mushe Token (XMU)

Mushe Token (XMU) is the native cryptocurrency of the upcoming crypto project, Mushe. Mushe is a multi-chain platform supported by notable blockchain networks such as Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM) and Solana (SOL) that seeks to propel blockchain adoption by increasing the accessibility of digital assets to the everyday person.

The Mushe project will work to create a social impact by educating people on digital assets and financial management. 

Altcoins to Look Into During the Bear Market - Neo (NEO), Kusama (KSM) and Mushe Token (XMU) 2

Mushe Token (XMU) plays a significant role in Mushe’s ecosystem, working as a decentralised token that facilitates peer-to-peer interaction, rewards, governance and liquidity on the platform. XMU is currently on presale, presenting buyers the perfect opportunity for long-term cryptocurrency purchase in the bear market. The token is available for purchase via the links below. 

Presale Registration: 

