Experience the “Happiness Ripple Effect” | Paid Content

PAID CONTENT | Valley View Medical Clinic in Pleasant Hill offers a  revolutionary ED Treatment for men that eliminates the need for pills and their nasty side effects. Gentle pressure waves repair and regrow blood vessels, much like the exercising rebuilds muscle tissue. This process treats the CAUSE of the problem and is not a temporary solution solution that is dependent on the continued intake of drugs. The most amazing thing about this treatment is how it actually touches every aspect of your life…What Andrew calls, “The Happiness Ripple Effect!”  Right now, you can make an appointment and get a complete exam, assessment and ultra-sound FREE…Plus, receive a BONUS GIFT that produces immediate results! This package is worth HUNDREDS, but you will get it at NO CHARGE by calling 515-300-5555 and make an appointment to see Valley View Medical Clinic Monday through Saturday!