Some roads remain slick | Yadkin Ripple

Pup Melania Speer stays cozy inside as she looks out on the winter wonderland of her home in Boonville. (Photo Courtesy of Makalya Driver.)

The first major winter storm of 2022 left behind a beautiful blanket of snow but fortunately has not caused significant problems nor widespread power outages thus far.

“We made it out pretty good,” said Yadkin EMS Director Keith Vestal. “Most everybody stayed put, a lot of the businesses closed so there was no need to go out. We had a few calls but nothing major as far as motor vehicle accidents. The power outages that were reported yesterday were fixed fairly fast and we didn’t get the big ice accumulation that could cause mass power outages so we were fortunate there.”

The County is expected to close its Emergency Operations Center today, Monday, around 11 a.m.

Vestal said most major roads around the county were pre-treated with brine and have been scraped multiple times so most are passable, though he did caution there could be slick spots remaining. Back roads which have not yet been scraped could certainly still be an issue for anyone travelling.

“If you don’t have to travel, don’t. If you do have to travel take extra time and you may want to take some other items with you such as blankets in case you slide off the road cause it may take some time to get to you cause we’re having to go slow too,” Vestal cautioned.

Elkin Town Manager Brent Cornelison said the town also weathered the winter storm well and crews are continuing to work on clearing streets as of Monday morning.

“We seemed to have faired it rather well. The timing of the storm helped quite a bit. Staff will continue to work on clearing the snow and ice and hopefully we’ll get a little help from Mother Nature,” Cornelison said.

Surry County EMS Director Eric Southern said that while there have been no serious injuries reported due to vehicle crashes from the storm, many roads do remain hazardous around the area.

“Road conditions are very hazardous everywhere due to ice but the secondary roads remain the worst due to snow and ice,” he said. “Thankfully no serious injuries, all vehicle crashes have been property damage only. DOT, HP, and National Guard assets have been working hard to keep the roadways open. County fire departments have been responding to trees down due to ice and wind since yesterday. Due to the temperatures and wind today, roads are going to remain hazardous into tomorrow.

Southern urged area residents to stay off the roads and remain at home today and well as to use caution when walking outside due to ice covered surfaces.

With a wind warning in effect today, downed trees and power lines could potentially cause additional problems.