Why Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana Are Moving Lower Today

What happened

Today, three of the biggest cryptocurrenciesBitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC)Ethereum (CRYPTO:ETH), and Solana (CRYPTO:SOL), are all trending lower. As of 10 a.m. ET, these three cryptocurrencies have seen declines of 0.6%, 4.6%, and 4.9%, respectively, over the past 24 hours.

It appears a number of catalysts are responsible for this downside move. Increasing regulatory oversight in the U.S., concerns around global crypto mining crackdowns, and overall capital flows into risk assets appear to be driving selling pressure today.

Image source: Getty Images.

So what

Now, some investors may think any move of less than 5% in a given day isn’t noteworthy — at least not in the crypto world. This is a volatile space, filled with tokens that regularly make double-digit moves in either direction.

That’s true.

However, we’re talking about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. These three tokens have a combined market capitalization of nearly $1.5 trillion. These are also some of the most sought-after tokens in the market right now. Accordingly, when these tokens move, even slightly, in the same direction, the market tends to follow suit. That appears to be the case today, with the overall crypto market down 1.6% at the time of writing.

Now what

Investors looking to assess broader sentiment in the crypto space should certainly keep an eye on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. These three cryptocurrencies represent foundational blockchain networks upon which the vast majority of user and developer activity exist. These three tokens are the bread and butter of most long-term crypto investor portfolios, for a reason.

Right now, it appears sentiment is rather weak in the crypto space. This sentiment is bleeding through to the token prices of these leading cryptocurrencies. Traders may want to factor this into their near-term outlook.

However, longer-term investors may view the recent declines of these large-cap tokens as buying opportunities. There’s a lot to like about the integral role each of these networks plays in the long-term growth we’ve seen thus far in this disruptive sector. 

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