The launch of VNT Vention digital marketplace was graced by social media star Ivana Alawi and first-rate rapper Gloc 9. The momentous event dubbed “Pancakeswap Fair Launch” was livestreamed last July 26 on the site’s Facebook page and YouTube channel hosted by model Daiana Meneses and businessman-influencer Marvin Faviz.
It was an auspicious occasion because the VNT Vention app is intended to primarily benefit Filipino artists, their fans and investors as well as the wider community of underprivileged Filipinos in the long run.
VNT Vention is a global market site focusing on artists and their creations. It lets anyone create, buy, sell or even collect digital merchandise with minimal platform fees. It’s the first of its kind in the Philippines and the site’s main proponent seeks to attract more local artists such as actors, musicians, painters, authors and the like to this unique marketing platform.
“We are here to support deserving local artists, even popular showbiz personalities. We will help them sell their collectibles and works of art,” VNT Vention founder and cryptocurrency trader Julius Santillan said during the virtual press conference.
The platform’s main objective is to encourage Filipino artists to use the Blockchain technology in marketing their masterpieces to fans and collectors. Non-fungible token (NFT) could be used to represent saleable items like photos, videos, audio and other types of digital files.
On its website, VNT Vention maintains: “By tokenizing their works and selling them on a digital marketplace, artists could maximize their reach to potential customers.”
“We created a platform to help Pinoy artists and celebrities showcase their talents that time and again have not been given due recognition. For example, recording artists could sell their vinyl collection and painters could sell their artworks,” said VNT Vention spokesman Jacob Montemayor.
“The NFT is similar to a public market with stalls. In which case, you won’t need to deal with a middleman and your ownership of your work or collection is protected,” Santillan further explained.
Aside from providing a marketplace for wider exposure, VNT Vention offers secure safekeeping of arts and crafts while establishing a solid, supportive community.
“We are using Blockchain which is immutable and un-hackable. It’s trusted all over the digital space so security for users, sellers and vendors is guaranteed,” Montemayor expounded.
Santillan also assured that using VNT Vention would not require special skills. “Anyone could use the platform. It’s user-friendly, intuitive in design and its on-screen guide is easy to follow. Even an 80-year-old grandma will have fun,” he said.
“And you don’t have to be a celebrity to gain benefits,” he stressed. “Kahit ano pwede. You could actually create art from your immediate surroundings and that could be your NFT offering, with the potential to make money from it.”