Creating Community In The Cryptocurrency World, With Big Eyes, Ethereum and Dogecoin

Creating Community In The Cryptocurrency World, With Big Eyes, Ethereum and Dogecoin

by October 1, 2022

The crypto world can be very complex and scary when you do not understand the small print. One of the significant elements of the crypto world that have a positive impact and invite more people in is the sense of community created.

Decentralised financing is the future. Many cryptocurrencies are inventing inclusive online spaces for people and community-led defi’s are paving the way for everyone’s essential needs and wants in their crypto community. But what exactly do community-led organisations add to the world of crypto? Let’s find out with Big Eyes, Ethereum and Dogecoin.


The Beginning Of Big Eyes And Its Community-Building Platform

Big Eyes is a meme token which is set to take to shake up the crypto world. Coming soon to any crypto exchange near you, the new coin is entering new levels. They are pushing the pros of decentralised finance and building on the strong sense of community and inevitably pushing forward the exciting new spaces crypto has to offer. Big Eyes uses traits and features concerning cats within its’ functionality to give the token more freedom and fun!

Being in the meme family of the world of crypto, it stands out with its feline-themed features! They are a group of people with a shared interest in the world of cryptocurrency, and cats! Big Eyes are providing a unique path that investors can take to share their thoughts and connect with others who share the same interest and desire to save and protect our oceans.

They also have the scheme to set up its NFT system, allowing users to expand their trading and selling freedoms. They aim to build a huge influencer campaign, as well as evolve the NFTs and give 5% of all tokens to charity. Big Eyes can great goals for their future and are a crypto community to keep your eye out for.


Ethereum And Their Crypto-Domination

Ethereum is one of the most iconic platforms in the cryptocurrency world. They have built a booming online economy through their community, and are ranked second in the cryptocurrency prices, they are achieving great things and not stopping.

They do not just use their platform for digital money. Ethereum can be used for any online asset that you wish to trade, sell and put to use in NFTs. The platform allows the possibilities of what to do with your money to endlessly grow and great opportunities to earn online.

The power of a well-established platform like Ethereum is it gives the community endless options and chances to expand on their monetary advancements. It also grants them a safe and secure space, and with access to an internet connection, each member can borrow, send, receive, earn interest and so much more on a global scale. This gives users an extra sense of community as it allows the community to expand, connect and create on an international level with a secure and widely-popular platform.


Don’t Dodge Dogecoin

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency movement, much like Big Eyes with its meme token element. They are an open-source cryptocurrency and a highly secure decentralised system to maintain the safety of their users. Choosing and configuring your wallet is the beginning of users getting their hands on Dogecoin, and from there the platforms opens up lots of opportunity to fully utilise blockchain technology.

One of the main things the currency prides itself on is the dynamic between the community and how they are full of friendly and vibrant users. The community is a group of people who care for and support one another, teaching others about the world of crypto, making memes and enjoying themselves.

They are constantly growing in the most organic and dynamic ways and are aiming to be a highly utilised and reliable cryptocurrency for everyone.

Let’s Wrap It Up…

All three cryptocurrencies have the aim to create a safe and secure environment for all their online users. The trust and eventual enjoyment of the platforms create a solid and loyal community, keen to progress as the platform does so.

Big Eyes

Big Eyes Coin (BIG)




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