Kindess has a ripple effect

This years theme for Mandela Day was #ServeLikeMadiba, a theme that resonated with the Holy Cross and Lasallian community.

Boxes of cereal line the school. Photo: Supplied

So this year, De La Salle Holy Cross Junior School learners brought boxes of cereal to donate to places of need. The school’s aim with the rectangular cereal box collection was to show the ripple impact of acts of kindness through the domino effect, how one single act of kindness tips over creating many more acts of kindness.

The school’s principal, Dr Marisa Di Terlizzi, tipped the first box causing a ripple effect. “This was a real and concrete learning experience for our children where they were able to see that one act of kindness can change the world and [it] highlights the concept of trust which is our chosen word for the year.

Many cereal boxes were donated by the learners of De La Salle Holy Cross College Junior School. Photo: Supplied

We are grateful to our school community for supporting this initiative and for their many continued acts of kindness to others,” she concluded.


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