Why Are Ethereum (ETH) And Gnox Token (GNOX) So Exciting Right Now? – CryptoMode

Even though the market has suffered a slight downturn in recent weeks, potential for the entire crypto space is still huge. Instead of worrying about week on week fluctuations, you need to look at the big picture. And the big picture is a good one. Crypto has seen huge growth over the last 5 or so years, unprecedented in modern times. It has moved from a niche interest to one that garners mainstream attention. Crypto is here to stay.

And there are two coins we really like right now. One you will probably have heard of if you have even a small interest in crypto, and one you probably haven’t yet (but you will be hearing more and more very soon). Those coins are ETH and GNOX. Why are we pairing this industry-leading token (ETH) with a relative newcomer? Because they’re two of the hottest coins in the industry (for slightly different reasons). Let’s have a look at why…

Why are people still bullish on ETH?

Let’s face it, ETH is one of the mainstays of the crypto scene. . that thousands of innovative projects are being created and built on every year. That’s one of the reasons why its future is so bright: it has real-world use and is becoming a foundation of the tech landscape.

But there’s one other big thing that’s set to see Ethereum surge once more: Ethereum 2.0. While this won’t change the amount of ETH you hold, it’s seen as crucial in updating the underlying technology and will improve the Ethereum blockchain, preparing it for the next generation of crypto.

If there’s one thing that’s help ETH back slightly recently, it’s astronomical gas fees and relatively slow transaction speeds. Upgrading to ETH 2.0 could help address these two serious issues, and it’s also why some analysts predict a huge upside for the coin. Some even say it could reach $10,000 relatively soon.

What about GNOX?

GNOX is another project we’re keeping a close look at, and we think you should too. It’s currently undergoing a hugely successful pre-sale and could surge even more once it hits the main exchanges.

GNOX is a platform that aims to revolutionize how people invest in the DeFi space. In a world that isn’t always welcoming to outsiders and regular investors, GNOX looks to change all that and more. As the crypto scene’s first to offer yield farming as a service, GNOX makes use of a treasury of funds (built from a sales tax) that is reinvested into other crypto projects in order to earn passive income for GNOX coin holders.

So not only is the upside great for GNOX’s potential price increase, it’s also great for those who want to earn passive income on their holdings. That’s why we think GNOX is a hold.


These two coins might be at different ends of the spectrum, but we think they’re both some of the hottest properties in the crypto world right now.

Find Out More Here:

Join Presale: https://presale.gnox.io/register

Website: https://Gnox.io

Telegram: https://t.me/gnoxfinancial 

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mnWbweQRJB

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnox_io

Always conduct proper research when dealing with pre-sales of currencies and tokens. The information above does not constitute investment advice by CryptoMode or its team, nor does it reflect the views of the website or its staff. 

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