Crypto’s crash does little to shake the faith of some blockchain believers

Crypto is in the midst of its worst run ever. Blockchain advocates aren’t necessarily sweating it.

The price of Bitcoin remains around $20,000, about a 70% price drop from its all-time high in November. Crypto exchange platform Coinbase laid off 18% of its workforce or 1,110 workers. Celsius Network, one of the biggest crypto lenders, halted withdrawals and transfers last week. 

Many industry experts have warned that these developments are signs of a “crypto winter,” but some advocates of blockchains — the distributed computing technology that underpins cryptocurrencies, NFTs, smart contracts and more — think there’s a silver lining in the declines.

“I’m more optimistic on crypto than ever before,” said Jason Yanowitz, co-founder of Blockworks, a financial media company. 

Yanowitz compared the current crypto crash to the tech bubble of the early 2000s.

“That’s the period we’re in now; we’re wiping away the greed and exuberance from the market,” he wrote in an email.

Once the purview of a relatively limited and wonky corner of the tech world, blockchain-based technologies have become a global focus of attention thanks to the seemingly overnight riches enjoyed by early investors in some cryptocurrencies and, more recently, digital art connected to NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, which also use blockchain technology. That boom has coincided with a growing group of financial analysts and technologists who warned that these markets looked increasingly unsustainable.

And even some in the blockchain community have argued the boom and bust of crypto has been a false signal, diverting the public from the underlying technological benefit of decentralized computing. 

Brain Brooks, the CEO of The Bitfury Group, a bitcoin mining company that has been around since 2011, told CNN that he sees the recent crypto crash as a necessary part of pushing blockchain technology forward.

“Forest Management is the analogy I think about,” said Brooks, who served as the acting comptroller of the currency during the Trump administration. “At some point the undergrowth has to burn in order for the tall trees to have space to grow.”

Many blockchain advocates point to a bit of a paradox when it comes to the broader crypto boom: What is supposed to be a decentralized technology is becoming rather centralized.

Blockchains work by engaging a network of computers to each compete in a way that makes it almost impossible for a single entity to control the system. But for people who use major crypto exchanges, there’s not that much difference from a centralized bank that holds a person’s assets.

Cleve Mesidor, executive director of The Blockchain Foundation, an education platform, said the crypto exchange Celsius is not decentralized even though it handles decentralized cryptocurrencies.

An attendee, who appears to be dressed as Doc Brown from the “Back to the Future” film franchise, cheers at NFT.NYC.Julius Constantine Motal / NBC News

“What happened with Celsius will not impact the future of bitcoin,” she said. 

Mesidor added that it is a concern when a company like Celsius garners attention and struggles, but it is not representative of the blockchain community.  

“As you innovate you are going to have problems,” she said. “There are models that are not working and that is what we are seeing with these companies.”

More important than current price points is the confidence that decentralization of markets creates opportunities for financial inclusion and solving economic inequity, Mesidor said. Blockchains are accessible to anyone and a game changer to minorities, she added.

But blockchain may not be as decentralized as one might think, said Mark Nadal, founder of ERA, an innovation lab focused on building open-sourced internet applications.

Blockchains still require the approval of others on the chain and are just “slow public counting machines,” Nadal said. There are person-to-person technologies out there that allow the sharing of data with no need for other’s consensus like in a blockchain, Nadal said.

Still, many blockchain advocates seem to be leaning into the crash, letting the market run its course, and asserting that blockchain technology has a bright future. 

Even on the doorstep of a crypto winter, it does have a silver lining, said Marta Belcher, chair and president of the Filecoin Foundation, an organization that funds development projects seeking to enhance the decentralized web. 

Belcher said she believes cryptocurrencies are here to stay and the foundation for a better internet — “an alternative to Big Tech that puts people in control of their own data, protects user privacy and security, and permanently preserves humanity’s most important information.”