Can CashFi (CFI) Become as Big as Litecoin (LTC) and Cronos (CRO) – CryptoMode

CashFi (CFI) is one of the most talked-about cryptocurrencies right now, even without being launched. A lot of buzz has been generated around it, and experts predict it to go on a bullish run. 

This is because of the virality it has gotten, which has made lots of investors read up about it. That is why you’re here, after all. That’s a good thing, though, as it shows you know what you’re doing. 

Lots of people see a coin trending and then rush to buy it without carrying out any due diligence on the coin. With such irrational investing, they’re bound to lose money. There are big sharks and whales which control the crypto markets, and they do so at the expense of the gullible masses.

They build hype around a coin, and when the coin hits a specific high, they cash out on their profits and thus bring the market crashing. Your job is to ensure you’re not one of those gullible people. That is why we advise you to conduct your technical analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency or blockchain project. 

That way, you won’t blindly put your money into a scheme you’re unsure of. It’s for that purpose that we write articles like this one; to help you make informed decisions. The coin we’re analysing today is CashFi (CFI), alongside Litecoin (LTC) and Cronos (CRO).

CashFi (CFI)

CashFi (CFI) is building an NFT Marketplace for the sale and minting of NFTs. It also offers liquid staking and other crypto asset services to make it easier for you to earn money. 

It is built based on the Ethereum blockchain, and thus investors would need to watch the movements of Ethereum (ETH) on the charts because it’s going to affect CashFi (CFI) in the crypto market. If you’re looking for a token, you could invest in CashFi (CFI). It’ll be going on presale at $0.027778, and with a total supply of 200,000 tokens, it would be wise to get in early.

Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin (LTC) is one of the earliest cryptocurrencies to be launched, and it’s been around for a long time which attests to its stability. Despite having so many new competitors with new technology, it has remained one of the leading cryptocurrencies. The development team is constantly innovating to produce better and better products that can compete with the new entrants, and that’s why it’s remained on the map. Litecoin (LTC) claims to be the silver to Bitcoin’s gold. It’s similar to Bitcoin (BTC) but different in that it offers total privacy and anonymity, while Bitcoin is an open ledger.

Cronos (CRO)

Cronos is a blockchain that interoperates between the Cosmos ecosystem and the Ethereum ecosystem. It supports NFTs, DeFi platforms, dApps, and other elements of the Metaverse and links them to the blockchain. 

Ethermint powers Cronos (CRO), which allows for easy porting of decentralised Apps from Ethereum and Ethereum-based blockchains. CRO is the native cryptocurrency of the Cronos blockchain.

CashFi (CFI) is relatively new; it hasn’t even launched. It has, however, shown great promise and has the potential to reach the levels of Cronos (CRO) and Litecoin (LTC) in the market cap and adoption.

For further information on CashFi (CFI):




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