The Big Question of 2022? Where Is Crypto Headed?

Are you a cryptocurrency enthusiast wondering how the rest of the year will play out? If so, you are not alone. Many worldwide own, invest in, trade, and use cryptos and have a vested interest in what the near-term future will look like.

The Recent Past

Just think through a few of the recent past events, and you’ll get a general idea of how tough it can be to predict. First, since the COVID pandemic began to wane in the early months of 2022, there’s been a resurgence of invariants and infections in China and elsewhere. Some nations that were ready to assume the whole thing was over are now rethinking that assumption. Crypto values soared after the pandemic hit in mid-2020 but have had ups and downs. 

As for the continuing supply chain crisis in which massive ships are still backed up in ports from Australia to India, there’s no end. Working people who prefer to operate in the alt-coin segment often begin by opening an account at and get into the action within just a few hours. Other significant events and crises closely related to the Bitcoin price and all other alt-coins include the war between Ukraine and Russia. Global inflation to the tune of about nine percent and climbing, a sinking stock market that has already posted historic drops in Q2, unstable national currencies in dozens of nations, and the list goes on.

Predict the Future by Studying the Past

Do you want to get involved with the digital currencies between now and the end of the year? Maybe your goal is to trade bitcoin or ethereum from the comfort of your home for profit. Likewise, perhaps your plans include putting a chunk of cryptocurrency into a retirement fund, investing in it for the long haul, selling what you already have, or opening a brokerage account to speculate on the intangible asset. There are dozens of ways to earn from crypto, but the events mentioned above will affect whichever one you choose. 

So, what’s the best way to gain insight into where the sector is headed? It’s a multi-step process but an excellent one, and it begins with studying the events of the recent past. After that, study alt-coin price charts to see if you can discern any obvious patterns. Finally, try to understand the most important opportunities and potential risks. Here’s a brief overview of the main points to keep in mind when you begin your quest as an owner, trader, investor, or speculator in this fast-paced, exciting asset class.

Recent Market Happenings

The most significant change for investors and traders is the ease with which they can do business. Gone are the days when you had to search for hours to find a single broker who offered bitcoin or any other alt-coin to pay, receive payouts, or for trading purposes. Even among retailers and consumers, cryptocurrency is no longer the oddity and rarity it once was. There are multiple reasons behind the growing acceptance of the asset, but the main ones are general acceptance by ordinary people who buy goods from merchants. There are now digital wallets out there holding ethereum and many other intangible forms of money.

Likewise, governments have finally begun doing business in the asset class, as have most major financial institutions and pension funds. Plus, it’s simpler to buy cryptos than ever before. In addition to brokers and banks, you can purchase it from thousands of freestanding kiosks in Europe, the US, Asia, India, and elsewhere. As the world’s economy slides into what looks more and more like a general recession, the prospects for a rise in prices throughout the alt-coin sector are very good.

Follow Bitcoin

Even if you’re not a huge fan of bitcoin (BTC), it’s extremely helpful to follow its price behavior regularly. You can track the value of your favorite coins and notice that the more successful ones tend to mirror BTC’s chart, at least in rises and falls if not in total one-to-one value. Why does this happen? BTC is the far and away leader of the class, with a capitalization of more than $900 million.

Risks, Opportunities, and Benefits

For some assets, gold and cryptocurrencies included, the worse the economy becomes, the better the opportunities are. Suppose inflation, political instability, and general instability continue as it is or worsens. There could be unlimited growth potential for BTC and other alt-coins for at least the next 12 months. 

Coupled with the ongoing acceptance of digital money by consumers, banks, brokers, governments, traders, and investors, this decade could be the beginning of the digitalization of global currency. That is a pretty solid hint that more people are putting their hard-earned money into the sector and beginning to view cryptocurrency as a safe-haven investment and trading opportunity. Prices could always fall, and a vast amount of volatility remains, so always proceed cautiously when acquiring digital assets.