Student Report: Local return of Chatham blankets

Chatham blankets were previously very popular blankets made primarily of wool with nap finishes (sewn wool which has been combed upright). In Elkin, there used to be a Chatham Mill which produced such blankets, but the mill has since been demolished. However, one member of the Chatham family aspires to bring back the Chatham blanket, and he has found moderate successes in his efforts. Most in Yadkin County are not aware of the Chatham blanket’s return.

Judy Smitherman is a proud member of Shady Grove Methodist Church, and in response to the returning topic of Chatham blankets she had this to say, “Yes, I remember Chatham blankets. I remember they are really wooly.”

Local Verizon employee Joel Hawks also weighed in on the topic, saying, “I remember there used to be a Chatham Mill in Elkin. I watched a documentary, and they mentioned the huge demand for the blankets during WWII. I remember it was a very big deal.”

Hawks also stated his position on Chatham blankets, after learning of their possible return to mainstream popularity: “I might like to have one. Maybe not for use but for the historical aspect of it. It seems like a neat thing to own, especially considering they are difficult to find now. Hopefully they’ll be easier to get now.”

While Chatham blankets were previously very popular items, their comeback may not see as much success. Their popularity may have declined due to better alternatives. However, it may find a special place in the market as a commodity remembered for its historical value.

Wyatt Hawks is a YEC journalism student.