Cos Cob VFW honors fallen heroes, ripples of sorrow at Memorial Day ceremony in Greenwich

GREENWICH — As the Cos Cob VFW Post 10112 gathered Saturday morning for a solemn salute at its annual Memorial Day ceremony, its leader compared the death in the line of duty of an armed forces member to a stone tossed into a still pond.

“The ripples reach the immediate shore and continue beyond, affecting loved ones of the fallen heroes for decades and often lifetimes,” VFW post adjutant Bill Cameron told the small crowd gathered at the pocket park on Strickland Road.

The pocket park is the site of the VFW’s memorial to the service members from Cos Cob, Riverside and North Mianus who gave their lives in service to the country. And on this holiday weekend, the post members put their focus on Americans who are in the armed services.

Cameron referenced “the solemn contract” signed by every man and woman who puts on the uniform, where they acknowledge that they may give up their life “so that our beloved country, our culture and our way of life can prosper and endure.”

He added that when many remember the fallen, they often think about battles in Europe or Asia or on an island in the Pacific, and place memorials at their grave sites. But what about those who are lost at sea or in the air, he asked. Cameron urged the crowd to remember them as well.

“When a large Navy ship such as an aircraft carrier goes down in wartime, it has often taken with its sinking over a thousand sailors and Marines and aviators with her,” Cameron said. “Their only grave marker is a spot of oil spreading on a restless sea. But this is the sailors, the Marines and aviators’ contract. … Please remember and pray for all the sailors, Marines and Naval aviators who made the ultimate sacrifice. They are heroes who lie in unmarked graves at the bottom of the oceans around the world.”

Nearly 75 people gathered at the Saturday morning ceremony, including First Selectman Fred Camillo, Selectperson Janet Stone McGuigan, Town Clerk Jackie Budkins, Tax Collector Heather Smeriglio, Board of Education member Joe Kelly, state Sen. Ryan Fazio, state Rep. Kimberly Fiorello and state Rep. Stephen Meskers. Former state Rep. Livvy Floren was on hand, too, as was Chief of Police James Heavey, who is a veteran.

Former town Tax Collector Tod Laudonia, who heads the St. Lawrence Society in Cos Cob, was in attendance and was thanked by VFW post service officer Anthony Marzullo for donating the sound system as well as the American, town and POW flags that were on display.

Saturday’s ceremony was the last for Joe Musich in his role of post commander because he is not standing for reelection to the leadership post. But he had some strong closing words for Washington’s politicians.