Huff Funeral Home honors Yadkin public safety dispatchers

Carly Shumate and Ricky Meadows of Huff Funeral Home, and others joined in the fellowship to give thanks to these folks.

The week of April 11 was been proclaimed nationally as National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week, and the unsung heroes of Yadkin County were not forgotten.

During the week, Public Safety Dispatchers of Yadkin Co were honored by many, including lunch by Sheriff Ricky Oliver, and other recognition by the various Fire Departments of the area.

Not to be forgotten by the business community, Huff Funeral Home purchased snacks for these hard-working public safety staff which occurred on April 19 at the Dispatch Center in the Sheriff’s Office.

Carly Shumate and Ricky Meadows of Huff Funeral Home, and others joined in the fellowship to give thanks to these folks.

A.J. Daoud, Huff President who has served as a Police Officer and as Vice President of a national Police Organization, said, “It takes a team effort to fight crime. These Telecommunicators are the reason that our Deputies and Police Officers can do a fabulous job in Yadkin County.”

Huff Funeral Home would like to thank Sheriff Oliver for assisting in this honor.