Entrepreneur & Crypto Enthusiast, Vik Sharma Believes In A Go-getter Attitude

The US steel industry leader and crypto enthusiast, Vik Sharma believes in constant growth and always trying to do better than the best. The former President of Sherman International Corporation, Director of Liberty Steel Holdings and founder of Cake Wallet says that you should never stop at anything unless the goal you’ve set is achieved.

“Never let anyone tell you can’t do something. Just because someone is doing something already, doesn’t mean you can’t do it better,” says Vik.

In his own career, Vik Sharma has faced immense challenges but he never let any of those stop him. The entrepreneur recalls that in 2017 while looking for a developer team to build the Cake wallet, he realized that it is hard to find blockchain programmers, let alone ones that understand Monero. He hired a team anyway and gave them 3 months to learn all about Monero and then start the project. He paid for education to learn about Monero and the risk was worth it!

Launched in 2018, Cake Wallet has turned out to be a great option for those who love to deal with cryptocurrencies on a daily basis. It was the first open-source Monero wallet on iOS in 2018 and by early 2020 it became available on Android as well. The cryptocurrency wallet has over 250,000 users and has been expanding ever since its launch. Starting from Monero, it also works for Bitcoin and Litecoin now.

The love for Cake Wallet among crypto users is such that in two recent Reddit polls, Monero users preferred Cake Wallet 2-1 over its closest competitor. In future, Vik hopes to expand cryptocurrencies services within Cake Wallet. His dream is to make Cake Wallet the standard Monero wallet for everyone. Recently Vik launched Blockbuy which aims to sell cryptocurrency with credit/debit cards.

As the director of Liberty Steel Holdings USA, Vik has made it big in the steel industry as well. His organization produces 1 million tons of steel in the USA, has over 2500 employees, and has annual revenues of over $1B.