Boiler Blockchain hosts blockchain security event | Campus

The Boiler Blockchain club continued its Crypto Cafe events Thursday night, inviting the CEO of Arbitrary Execution, a blockchain security company, Brian Newhard, to be its latest speaker.

Newhard, an expert in the future of security in crypto, talked to students about his thoughts on the current blockchain environment.

The club is based around educating and preparing students to engage with the world of blockchain. This involves hosting workshops and guest speakers during “Crypto Cafe” sessions on Discord.

Crypto Cafe is an event hosted by Boiler Blockchain, which promotes discussion and education around new developments in blockchain and crypto.

“There’s still a lot of innovation in finance and lending and it’s hard to determine which ones have staying power and which don’t,” Newhard said.“The ones that will be longer lived are the ones that are less exciting.”

While the CEO expressed that the blockchain market was continuing to expand, it was currently limited from becoming popular because of how complex some of the systems around it can be.

“The security technology isn’t there for it to be mainstream yet,” he said.

Newhard also discussed the issues surrounding not having fixed auditing systems or programs that tell people exactly what they’re signing up for, which can lead to scams, as well as fewer incoming users.

“It is very easy to just click agree, we got a ways to go in making things readable in a human format all,” Newhard said.

Newhard’s company aims to be the answer to these problems. In a relatively new piece of the technology world like blockchain, Newhard said the company’s early adoption of blockchain would lead to more potential clients.

Arbitrary Execution is also partnering with ChainShot, another blockchain company, to offer a course for students to receive ethereum, a blockchain, training via Arbitrary Execution’s website, according to Newhard.

Arbitrary Execution will also be hosting a workshop on security around smart contracts with Boiler Blockchain on March 13.