Bitcoin of America Welcomes Shiba Inu Coin to Their Bitcoin ATMs

Bitcoin of America is a popular virtual currency exchange, registered as a money services business with the United States Department of Treasury (FinCEN)(RegNum). They are known for their top-of-the-line customer support, while also providing a fast and hassle-free transaction.

Bitcoin of America make it easy for everyday businesses to get their hands on a Bitcoin ATM. They take care of their host locations by providing them with passive income, increased foot traffic, and marketing. They even handle customer support and any maintenance/installation services.

The popular operator has made many updates to their BTMs and services over the past year. They launched their universal kiosks, which operate as a traditional ATM combined with BTM functions. Their point-of-sale system was created for their tablet program, which has allowed businesses to accept cryptocurrency as a new form of payment. Bitcoin of America is constantly expanding and improving their services.

SOURCE Bitcoin of America