World’s First Blockchain with Real-Time Transactions, The Fastest to Ever Exist!

World’s First Blockchain with Real-Time Transactions, The Fastest to Ever Exist!


March 30, 2022

TechPay is offering the world’s first blockchain with real-time transactions in NFT world

  • TechPay Coin’s Blockchain Features 300,000 TPS (Transactions per Second) Along with mere 15 Second Time-To-Finality/Transaction Finality, Making it the Fastest Blockchain ever to exist.
  • Block Interval of 1-Second
  • TechPay Coin’s Performance proved to be 4.5 times faster than Solana.
  • TechPay Coin listed on LBank Exchange on 11th March 2022


Fastest Blockchain

Transactions carried on Blockchains were never deemed Instant and viable enough for practical use until TechPay Coin fabricated the most performant yet efficient blockchain.

With Transactions Confirming & Achieving Finality in a mere 1.15 Second Window, TechPay Coin also features “Absolute Finality.”

Although other Layer 1 Chains might fail or reverse a transaction due to problematic behavior, that’s not the case with TechPay.

Moreover, TechPay Coin Generated 500,000+ Blocks Validating 2.5 Million + Transactions without a single transaction failure or reversal.

TechPay Team also plans to implement sharing to multiply TPS Capabilities & Achieve Sub-Second Transaction Finality this year.



TechPay Chain is EVM-Compatible. Thusly conveying the ability to make Smart Contracts, dApps and NFTs on it, Further filling the Defi and Web 3.0 Space.

The requirement for a performant blockchain that could deal with the demanding requests of the NFT space would be met by TechPay’s progressive innovation in due time.

TechPay will include dApps and Smart Contracts that will not be Congested and could scale-manufacturing decentralized networks for Web 3.0.

Projects conveyed on TechPay’s Network will offer Stability, Scalability, and Brief Efficiency.


Transaction Fees

While Transaction Fees charges on some other Layer-1 Blockchains are soaring, TechPay Chain requires just a tiny part of that add-up to work. Just 0.0000021$ was utilized in the latest Blockchain trade. TechPay Coin effectively kills the need to incentivize validators because it can efficiently handle millions of customers by enabling unparalleled performance levels.


Blockchain Trilemma

TechPay Cryptocurrency settles the blockchain trilemma, which expresses that a blockchain can’t have everything: decentralization, Security, and Scalability; it has to surrender one trademark to work. TechPay Coin incorporated these attributes to the most significant degree: Even as the quantity of transactions between each shard is raised, the danger of Blockchain centralization is diminished. Energy Utilization is radically diminished in light of the fact that hashing power isn’t expected to enter the following block.


Comparison of TechPay with others

The TechPay Coin has the fastest transaction and transaction finality, as seen in the comparison table.

Cryptocurrencies names Transactions per second (TPS) Transaction finality (TF)
TechPay coin 300,000 TPS 1.2 seconds
Bitcoin 7 TPS 30-60 minutes
Ethereum 15 TPS 2-6 minutes
Solana 65,000 TPS 7 seconds
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