World’s First Blockchain Gaming Ecosystem Oneto11 Disrupts The Online Gaming Industry

 The gaming industry has evolved unrecognizably since its humble beginnings of arcades and video consoles. Gaming enthusiasts all over the world remember spending hours and big bucks to play video games. The highly centralized gaming industry was then tightly clutched in the grip of game developers and publishers. With little or no social interaction, gamers would spend fiat currency to make in-game purchases. Since the in-game currency had no value beyond the purview of the game, these gamers spent endless hours without earning any reward. 

But a tidal wave of change is sweeping the gaming industry as a new breed of games called Play-To-Earn games enabled by blockchain technology are disrupting the existing economic model across the world. Considering the increased use cases of Blockchain across industries, OneTo11 – the world’s first blockchain-based gaming ecosystem strives to create a more engaging and rewarding experience for gamers with OneTo11. By using  blockchain capabilities such as NFT creation & Trading, decentralized games governance, and token utility into gaming, the gaming ecosystem is championing the Play-to-Earn model where gamers can monetize their time and efforts spent in playing. 

The Inception & Growth

Incepted in March 2020 by serial tech investors, Ravindra Kumar(CEO), Tirath Chand Sharma(CTO), Manasvi Singh(CMO), and Anirban Chatterjee(COO), OneTo11 creates a cohesive gaming ecosystem with an offering for every gamer persona and implements the Play-To-Earn model across the platform. In a short span, the platform has gained 2.2 million users within the first 15 months. By generating maximum value for its users, OneTo11 is trying to expand its geographical footprint across the globe and build a Web 3.0 solution for the gaming industry. 

Delighted with the success of OneTo11, Ravindra Kumar, CEO of OneTo11 said, “With OneTo11, we wanted to change the mindset of people and elevate the gaming experience of players. Gaming can be more than just a source of entertainment; it can grow into a source of earning for its players and later into an autonomous economy. With our unique Play-to-Earn model, gamers can earn money with gameplay, skills and competitions. We want to offer people an opportunity to play together and earn together as a community.”

How does it work?

Connected by an integrated wallet and NFT marketplace, OneTo11 offers users a wide collection of games such as sports fantasy games, casual mobile games, learning games and RPG Metaverse games. By leveraging the possibilities of Blockchain and NFT trading, the gaming platform aims to generate value for its gamers and put them in the driver’s seat. With unique offerings for its diverse gamers, OneTo11 provides users myriad earning opportunities by referring, playing, staking and trading. 

OneTo11 ecosystem launched its first game – the OneTo11 Fantasy Sports app in September 2020 and since then, it has added casual digital games such as Ludo and fruit slice. Until October 2021, the company was bootstrapped by its founders. The company reinvested its generated revenue into further game development and improving user experience. Recently, the company has raised $2.5 million in seed funding round and private sale with some HNWIs and institutional investors.

Shedding some light on the business journey and future plans, Anirban Chatterjee, COO of OneTo11 said, “The gaming industry is riddled with challenges. By providing users a break from Pay-to-Play, OneTo11 allows users to join the platform for free and monetize their time and efforts. We did not want to spend heavily on a marketing campaign for OneTo11. I strongly believe that value-oriented projects are self-scaling and don’t need the crutches of marketing to sustain themselves.”

Commenting on the organic growth of OneTo11, Manasvi Singh, the CMO of the company said, “By offering users a reward program and a sense of playing as a community with their friends, OneTo11 has been able to grow and attract millions of users without any expensive marketing campaigns. We also envision creating a crypto gaming economy by harnessing the power of blockchain decentralization.”

On the technology front, Tirath Chand Sharma CTO of OneTo11 said, “We are leveraging blockchain technology and we hope to disrupt the gaming industry, enhance the gaming experience and provide new streams of earning to its users. With our strong leadership and the team of gaming enthusiasts, we look forward to positioning OneTo11 as an industry leader while pushing it towards achieving new business heights.”

OneTo11 is working aggressively on its expansion plans. The expansion strategy is two-pronged where more games will be introduced in the ecosystem and more countries/markets will be added to OneTo11 operations.