Recording Artist Jessie Berg Follows Up Her Debut with Four New Tracks That Will Ripple Across Her Listeners

Regardless of choice, every professional industry is competitive, but none have been as cutthroat as music and entertainment. With thousands, if not millions, of talented individuals vying for a chance to get their names out there, the competition has only grown stronger with streaming platforms available at everyone’s disposal. Yet, despite the fierce competition, Jessie Berg was able to make her breakthrough in 2019. 

Like many of her peers, Jessie Berg grew up with a penchant for music. While growing up in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, she first made her talent known to her grandmother when she sang in the car. Validated by her family’s praises, Jessie fell deeper in love with music. Since that fateful day, she seized every opportunity she could to learn more about her gift, studying voice, participating in choirs, and performing in musicals.

Citing Amy Winehouse as her favorite artist growing up, Jessie would later immerse herself in the entertainment industry after completing high school. Her first venture was in her cousin’s recording studio, where she devoted her spare time to writing and recording her music. Simultaneously, Jessie worked as an intern for FLAUNT Magazine.

By 2019, Jessie Berg finally introduced herself with “Monster.” Her debut single generated thousands of streams, with media outlets praising her. “Jessie Berg is a true model to feel empowered to talk about real issues, feelings, and ideas with confidence,” wrote The Hype Magazine.

Although she hadn’t released anything in 2020, Jessie spent the year polishing her craft so listeners would get the quality they expect out of her. Working with producers Jordan Omley and Mike Summers, she carefully refined her vision.

“We don’t think twice about anything,” said the artist. “The songs just came out immediately. We were all on the same page in terms of the writing and the production.”

In 2021, Jessie finally released “Faithful to Toxic,” which racked up 224,000 streams on Spotify and 500,000 views on YouTube. The track was followed by a triad of other singles, including “Safe Space,” “Pray,” and “Stages.”

“Safe Space” brings a nervous beat together with confessional lyrics before an infectious hook mesmerizes listeners.

“The song is about anxiety and the place I was in,” admitted Jessie. “I was writing about myself in the past and how I used to experience crippling anxiety. When you’re that anxious, you can’t breathe. I would hold myself back. So, I kept myself in this safe space, where I was in my own head, and I didn’t open up to people. I stayed in my bubble because I was comfortable.”

“Pray” is Jessie’s response to herself, giving herself a self-aware warning.

“I’m basically saying, ‘Be careful what you wish for,'” she said. “Everything may look nice and pretty on the outside, but be careful if you get close to me.”

The final track, “Stages,” brings a diary-style composition where listeners get to hear Jessie examine a propensity to retreat inward. She reflects on her tendency to put herself in difficult situations with guys, admitting she is helpless in the cycle.

“If the energy changes or something is off, I’ll leave. I’m just being honest,” the artist shared.

With her career on a steady run towards the top, Jessie Berg is optimistic about her music’s impact in the years to come.

“When you hear my music, I want you to be like, ‘That was definitely Jesse,'” the artist shared. “It’s important for me to create a sound and vibe for myself. At the same time, I want to be a voice to make you feel.”

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