PR Blockchain Trade Association Launches New Free “CryptoCurious” Educational Meet Ups | Business Gallery

To celebrate and honor Women’s International Month, the Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association (PRBTA), announced a conference panel, first in its class, to highlight women on the Web 3.0 as part of their CryptoCurious free educational meet ups for March 2022. Previously, workshop editions highlighted fundamental concepts about the beginnings of blockchain and cryptocurrency, but the new edition expands into new concepts to keep the Crypto communities in Puerto Rico at the forefront of Web 3.

CryptoCurious educational meet ups will be offered both in person and online at the Miramar Convention Center from 7:00pm every Monday in March as well as via Zoom, and will include:

March 8th: Women in the Web 3.0

March 15th: Crypto Taxes: what you need to know

March 22nd: Beyond Art: NFT’s Utility and Use Cases

March 29th: Digital Revolution: NFT’s and “Crypto Art”

March’s first panel kicks off with the leading in the arts and creative industries, including: Liz Isabelle Marti, “The Alluring Peacock” a renowned NFT Fashion Designer, Melisa Mía Vargas Echevarría, Founder of NFT Puerto Rico and CryptoJevas, Neysha Borrero, Product Growth Engineer at BookClub and Yiselle Dipiní Andreu, Head of Growth Strategy at ED Digital. “These women are pioneers in the world of Crypto in different capacities and we hope their stories serve as an inspiration of what taking control of your financial future looks like for more women in the crypto space,” said Keiko Yoshino, Executive Director for the Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association.

The upcoming educational meet ups will also highlight trending topics such as Crypto Taxes with financial experts ready to answer related questions before filing taxes as well as NFT’s and Digital Crypto Art with local artists who are spearheading the opportunity of implementing digital technologies to successfully promote and sell their art globally.

Since PRBTA first announced CryptoCurious in alliance with DLTx, this effort has thus far impacted over 1,000 people with first-hand knowledge and education. Registration for CryptoCurious workshops can be found on Eventbrite.