Investment into Blockchain-centric companies surpassed £1.6 Billion in the UK

Distribution of Investment across industries

LONDON, LONDON, UK, March 9, 2022 / — In a study done by “innovationeye” ( research has shown that there are more than 500 Blockchain-centric companies across 18 industries that are developing or using Blockchain technology in the UK alone.

The Study found that there are roughly 250 investors that spent over £1.6 Billion in funding those businesses.

The distribution of funds were analyzed as well with most funds being raised for Fintech and Crypto trading (17% and 14% respectively).

Other industry-sectors like Gov-Tech and Insur-tech were being funded to a much lower degree (2.3% and 1.7% each).

This goes to show that the variety of use cases for blockchain technology is still very limited and far away from the mass adoption that is envisioned for the blockchain based web3.0.

It also indicates that with the different sectors still looking to find the right applicability, there is massive room for growth in terms of discovering real use cases apart from finance focused topics.

We are very likely to see the dormant potential being unlocked through a growing number of blockchain-centric companies that will find meaningful solutions for their respective niches in the coming 5-10 years.

Mark Dexter
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