Ex-Coinbase, Uber Atty Joins UK Crypto Firm As Top Lawyer

By Michele Gorman (March 16, 2022, 3:40 PM EDT) — An attorney who has worked in-house at high-profile companies such as Coinbase and Barclays PLC has joined Copper.co as its first ever chief legal officer, the U.K.-based cryptocurrency firm said Tuesday.

Carly Nuzbach Lowery, who is based in London, most recently was associate general counsel at cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase.

“I’m most excited about the team at Copper,” she told Law360 over email Wednesday. “Everyone I have met is really smart, friendly, committed, action-oriented and curious. But there’s a common grounding among people at Copper in grasping the complexities within financial services which enables an instant level of understanding across a range…

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