Crypto Wallet Provider Ranking Sees Competition

There are a number of things to consider when selecting a bitcoin and crypto wallet, starting with the exchange on which you plan to use it. 

That said, your thoughts on the best wallet to use should also affect your choice of exchanges. So, look for a wallet that is user-friendly and secure, but also has the features you need. 

Most notably, different exchanges list different cryptocurrencies. If you’re interested in bitcoin and ether, it won’t be a factor. But, if you’re thinking about a smaller cryptocurrency — or think you might want to in the future — look at what the wallet supports before jumping in.

The Top 5

Well, it’s been another month, and the third edition of the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Wallets is growing again, with tied scores driving the Top “10” up to 15 winners.

Yet again, we’re listing the winners of the No. 1 slot alphabetically, with three of the biggest crypto exchanges— Binance, Coinbase and — tying with perfect scores.

Given that those are three of the largest and busiest exchanges, their joint leadership position does make sense.

The Gemini wallet bounced back to the No. 2 slot after falling from there to No. 4 last month. Bouncing back is certainly a skill you’d expect from the crypto exchange owned by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, who you might remember from the movie “The Social Network,” which chronicled — and fictionalized — the story of the rowing Olympians’ battle with Mark Zuckerberg for control of Facebook.

While Zuckerberg beat them on the Facebook front, the twins invested a fair bit of the settlement they received in bitcoin before it popped, giving them that rarest of American experiences: A second act.

The Trust – Crypto and Bitcoin Wallet stood its ground, however, tying for second.

The Wallet, held firm at No. 3.

But the real story is No. 4, the Strike wallet, which came out of nowhere to claim the slot left by the brothers Winklevoss.

The ties resurfaced at No. 5, with the SafePal – Crypto Wallet maintaining its place but the the Wirex Card and Multicurrency Crypto Wallet winning back half of it by jumping up from seventh place.

The Top 10

The Bakkt cryptocurrency wallet held onto its No. 6 position, in a tie with Bitcoin Wallet, which climbed up from No. 9.

India exchange Unocoin stepped up, with the Unocoin wallet joining the top 10 at No. 7.

The BitPay wallet climbed two spots, to No. 8, solidifying its place in the top 10.

The ZenGo Crypto and Bitcoin Wallet entered the Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Wallets at No. 9.

Rounding out the top 10 was another wallet unseen last month: The Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet.



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