CEOs of Coinbase, NuRAN, XTM, and Luminar Technologies

NEW YORK, March 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wall Street Reporter, the trusted name in financial news since 1843, has published reports on the latest comments and insights from CEOs of: Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN), NuRAN Wireless (OTC: NRRWF) (CSE: NUR), XTM, Inc. (OTC: XTMIF) (CSE: PAID) and Luminar Technologies (NASDAQ: LAZR).

Today’s emerging technologies and lifestyle megatrends are unleashing trillion dollar market opportunities for disruptive innovation in how we live, work and play. Wall Street Reporter highlights the latest comments from industry thought leaders shaping our world today, and in the decades ahead:

NuRAN Wireless (OTC: NRRWF) (CSE: NUR) CEO Francis Letourneau:
“Bringing Wireless Connectivity to Africa is Billion Dollar Opportunity for NuRAN”
NuRAN Wireless (OTC: NRRWF) (CSE: NUR) CEO Francis Letourneau, a featured presenter at Wall Street Reporter’s NEXT SUPER STOCK investors livestream is bringing wireless connectivity to Africa, enabling communications and internet for the last great untapped market of over 1 billion population. Francis shares how NRRWF’s contracts with blue chip global telecom partners, position the company on path for over $220 million in annual recurring revenue, and potential billion dollar market valuation in the coming years.
Watch NuRAN Wireless (OTC: NRRWF) (CSE: NUR) NEXT SUPER STOCK video:

NRRWF provides telecom operators in Africa a turnkey “Network as a Service” (NaaS) infrastructure solution, specializing in rural and remote areas. NRRWF has developed carrier-grade mobile networks, and towers using solar power that are ideally suited for rural and remote environments in developing economies such as Africa where 300 million people have zero mobile coverage. Mobile connectivity in the developing world is a vital lifeline for healthcare, jobs, trade and education. NRRWF currently has contracts in place with blue chip telcom’s like Orange S.A. for services in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, and with MTN Group in South Sudan for 2,492 sites, which it is now rolling out. These initial 10 year contracts are expected to generate $50 million annual revenues with EBITDA of 50%.

NRRWF plans to roll out to at least 10,000 mobile telecom sites in Africa over the next 5 years, which is expected to generate $220 million annual revenues with $110 million EBITDA. At typical multiples in the sector, this could value NRRWF at over $1 billion.
NRRWF has a pipeline of about 15,000 potential sites in Africa, and is also targeting similar contracts in Latin America and the Asia Pacific region. NRRWF is now in the early stages of its deployment, with a long runway of growth in the months ahead.

Watch NuRAN Wireless (OTC: NRRWF) (CSE: NUR) NEXT SUPER STOCK video:

Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN) CEO Brad Armstrong: “Crypto is Fundamental to Web 3.0”
“Unlike in past crypto cycles where we might have had “summers” and “winters”, crypto is working, we’ve got major use cases now, outside of people just trading it, DeFi has tens of billions of dollars locked up in it. NFTs has been a massive trend and continuing to grow. People are building gaming and social media apps and DAOs and identity systems and what we’re really seeing is that Web 3 is kind of the future of how people are going to build all kinds of applications on the internet, even non-financial services applications…Our fundamental belief is that crypto, it’s not just going to be an investment, although that’s a massive use case and the first pillar of our strategy, it’s not just going to be a new financial system, which is the second pillar of our strategy. And we have lots of products helping make that happen. It’s also going to be the new default way that people build applications on the internet. It’s the new application platform. That’s what people are calling Web 3.0, and they’re going to be building all kinds of applications not just financial service applications. We believe Coinbase is the best positioned company in the world to help drive that change. And our goal is really to be the primary account where people access crypto economy and Web 3.0, and we have this really great customer base and brand infrastructure that all nicely integrates, and we can make crypto easy, and trusted, and safe to use…We’re just in the very earliest days of this industry and it has a massive potential TAM, there’s a ton of capital being injected into this industry. And a lot of the smartest young people are all rushing to build companies in this space. With all those thousands of new companies, you’re just going to see a ton of innovation…”
Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN) Earnings Highlights:

XTM, Inc. (OTC: XTMIF) (CSE: PAID) Marilyn Schaffer CEO: “Poised for Exponential Growth with $1 Trillion Market Opportunity”
XTM Inc, (OTC: XTMIF) (CSE: PAID) CEO Marilyn Schaffer, a featured presenter at Wall Street Reporter’s NEXT SUPER STOCK livestream, reports XTMIF is set for exponential revenue growth as its fintech platform expands into the $1 Trillion+ US restaurant, hospitality and services market in the coming weeks.
Watch XTM, Inc. (OTC: XTMIF) (CSE: PAID) Next Super Stock livestream video:

XTMIF is a fintech company in the neo-banking space, providing mobile banking and payment solutions specializing in the hospitality, personal care and service industries throughout North America. XTMIF’s Today(™) app gives employees same day access to their earned wages and tips, via a mobile wallet and app. Same day access to tips and wages is a critical benefit in today’s tight labor market, and gives restaurants and services a competitive advantage in recruiting and retaining staff. XTMIF’s revenues are accelerating as more businesses adopt its fintech platform as a means to attract and retain staff. CEO Marilyn Schaffer says XTMIF is poised for exponential growth in 2022 as it expands into the US market from Canada, and increasingly adapted by large restaurant and hospitality operators. Revenues are now scaling with +20-25% growth month-over-month. Marilyn shares that XTMIF’s revenue growth will be further turbocharged as it layers on additional services in the app, and further monetizes its large and growing user base. XTMIF is also eyeing a number of strategic acquisitions in the fintech space in coming months.
Watch XTM, Inc. (OTC: XTMIF) (CSE: PAID) Next Super Stock livestream video:

Luminar Technologies (NASDAQ: LAZR) CEO, Austin Russell: “Targeting $150 Billion Market Opportunity”
“…Volvo’s decision to make Luminar a standard safety feature starting with their next generation electric SUV is a watershed moment for the industry…Volvo built a reputation by being the first to introduce new safety features in vehicles that ultimately set safety standards across the industry and get standardized in a broader capacity, so this is validating on multiple fronts. It also has huge implications across the board for Luminar, specifically in five key ways: First is scale. Going from a high-end option to a standard feature on vehicles dramatically increases the expected volume and increases visibility as estimating take rates is no longer a factor…Second is safety. While there is a clear use case and strong demand for Highway Autonomy, there simultaneously exists an extremely compelling application of high-performance auto grade LiDAR and software for improving more basic safety capabilities on vehicles. Three is economics, this deal with Volvo significantly strengthens and gives us even greater conviction in our long-term financial outlook, while also enabling us to achieve great economies of scale more quickly and efficiently, the benefits of which percolate to customers far beyond just Volvo. Four is software. Volvo’s standardization plan involves not just Luminar hardware, but Luminar software as well. And while the LiDAR serves as the foundation, to deliver Proactive Safety, you have to do a lot more than just the LiDAR. You have to understand, interpret and act on that data, and that’s where our software comes into play. Standardization is also expected to generate a huge and ever increasing data and software advantage for Luminar as greater volumes of vehicles collect data on public roads…Lastly is market signaling and vehicle design. Volvo is expected to be heavily promoting its Luminar equipped vehicles to consumers as they become available as a standard feature, generating demand not just from OEMs, but actually from the consumers directly…We expect that our Proactive Safety capabilities will be the biggest near-term driver of realizing $150 billion market opportunity by 2030…”
Luminar Technologies (NASDAQ: LAZR) Earnings Highlights:


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