Blockchain Biz LayerZero Valued At $1B For Funding Round

By McCord Pagan (March 30, 2022, 5:50 PM EDT) — Blockchain business LayerZero Labs announced on Wednesday that it’s valued at $1 billion following a funding round that included Sequoia Capital, FTX Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz, also known as a16z.

The Vancouver, Canada-based LayerZero said in a statement that proceeds from the $135 million round, which was first reported by Forbes, would be used to continue developing its cross-blockchain decentralized applications, or dApps.

“This round is a massive step forward for LayerZero Labs and the unfolding interoperability landscape. We’ve brought some of the best and most well respected entities in the world together to accomplish the same goal: create the generic…

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