What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a system that records information in the most unique and secure way. For many who browse the media’s latest stories, it is quite normal to question, “What exactly is blockchain?” Blockchain has certainly become quite normal for many to invest in today, and for those still on the backburner of wondering if it is still too late to go all-in for it, educating oneself on what blockchain technology actually is, is imperative, before taking the leap of faith.

Blockchain technology has taken over most tech-based industries, either becoming the predominant use of currency, or a large share of it. It is not just the tech sector that is pushing towards the new regime of adopting blockchain, even the iGaming industry is moving towards the same optimal goal of a decentralized payment system. Today, many of the best casinos, be it online casinos or online CSGO gambling sites, have moved themselves to the efficient and safer option of having blockchain as their main system. The reason being is that the technology is greatly efficient to integrate for both merchant and players’ interests, but most importantly, it allows gamers to play games on the platform and win cryptocurrency as a form of winnings. Top games such as Crash Gambling, Coinflip, and so on, are being run entirely on the decentralized system and seeing safer and more secure gaming communities as a whole. There is more and more reason why blockchain is fast becoming the world’s most anticipated innovation.

Why is there so much hype around the blockchain?

Blockchain was designed to solve the issue of untrustworthy currency valued trading. A blockchain database is completely unique and singular. It operates with no overruling power and is ruled by the people who use it. This is why it is highly desired and used by so many around the world.

How does a transaction operate through blockchain?

The transaction process itself is first authenticated by the blockchain. If the transaction passes the first verification step, it will then pass through the system by having a block created for the transaction, within the blockchain. This block is then sent to each of the other blocks within the network of blockchain, which then, too, also validate and take note of the transaction. Once the nodes of the transaction validate, they receive cryptocurrency in ‘proof of work’ to continue the chain reaction within the blockchain variation. Once this transaction is completed, the block will be added to existing blockchains and distributed across the large network frame of the system. Only once this is done, is the transaction deemed complete and valid.

Authentication process

The authentication process was designed to be operated without any need for a regulatory centralized banking system. It is the cryptographic keys within the string of data that will act as a password and identify a user to have the authorization to use their wallet for spending habits. It is the system that acknowledges the value of each transaction and wallet, and that is how each transaction is authenticated on a public level. Each wallet user will have a digital signature that will allow them to unlock transactions they choose to conduct in the future.

For a transaction to have authorization as well as authentication, each transaction must have a majority of nodes in the chain, to agree on the transaction being valid. This is the only way that the network system will verify and allow transactions to move forward and act as ‘proof of work’ within the system.