Ripple effect of Olympic bronze

The positive impact of the bronze medal win in Tokyo during the Olympic Games has drawn an impression on coach Saiasi Fuli.

Fuli said during the first two days of the Fun Flavour Super 7s Series at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka, they were able to identify eight players to go through their ID (identifying) process.

“These players were to be identified to go through the depth chart,” he said. “We have our core group to build their combination.

“We need more competitive games where we can test the players because we have the Commonwealth Games and the Rugby World Cup.

“We gave out an open invitation that other girls from other sports are coming into rugby. Athletics, netball basketball players have joined in and and we identify Laisani (Moceisawana) and pulled her in.”

He said new players needed guidance on the rugby field.

“That is part of the recruitment process, that we rope in new players and build what they are lacking.”