How Bitcoin Reverses America’s Disaster Fatigue

The effort to change America’s psychosis with race relations and the passive-aggressive hold that unfettered capitalism has on its core operating system is connected. How many times have you seen the flag at your local post office or town hall at “half-mast?” This week in New York two police officers were killed in the line of duty, and we were reminded as they lowered flags around the city. I am sure it occurs to most people that in America we have reached a point where the Stars and Stripes are rarely allowed to fly from the top of its pole, almost out of shame for the seemingly never-ending instances of mass shootings, race and gender conflict, and politically-inspired mob scenes. This problem has a long arc with many trying and failing to effect change. Groups as diverse as the Nation of Islam and modern-day democratic socialists have a common cause, to bring some structures of integrity to their community. In this article, we will also discover how forward-looking measures like universal basic income can be hijacked when tried in America. Expanding the use case for bitcoin can offer positive outcomes for all of these progressive movements looking for autonomy from the system.