Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee recommends first technical standard | News

ZUG, Switzerland, Feb. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Bitcoin Association for BSV, the Switzerland-based global industry organisation that works to advance business with the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain and digital currency, today announces that the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee (TSC), an industry-led standards organisation for the BSV ecosystem, , has progressed the Merkle proof standardised format to the recommended stage – the first BSV Technical Standard to reach this milestone.

Merkle proofs are vital to all uses of Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) described in the original Bitcoin whitepaper and form the foundation of most user interactions with the Bitcoin network. Because there are a wide variety of implementations transmitting and receiving Merkle proofs, a standardised format was proposed to improve interoperability of Merkle proofs between applications across the BSV ecosystem.

After first being proposed in June 2020 and passing an initial checkpoint review by the 10 Technical Standards Committee members, the proposed standard data format for Merkle inclusion proofs was drafted by a dedicated workgroup and subjected to several subsequent review phases – including an open public review – after which the standard was published in June 2021. Following the publication of the standard, the TSC has monitored the standard for adoption from businesses to determine its usefulness to the broader BSV ecosystem.

With the Merkle proof standardised format now in use across three prominent ecosystem applications – the Bitcoin SV node software, Merchant API (mAPI), ElectrumSV and ElectrumX – the TSC has determined that the standard has reached a sufficient level of adoption to progress to the recommended stage. The standardised format for Merkle proofs is now recommended for all businesses across the BSV ecosystem that utilise Merkle proofs in their application or service. The TSC will continue to monitor the standard for adoption, as well as any potential improvements or modifications that may be required to ensure that it remains useful and relevant for businesses that implement it.

The TSC was established to professionalise the development of Bitcoin technology in order to support major enterprise use and accelerate global adoption. It works to promote technical excellence and enhance interoperability across the BSV ecosystem through standardisation. The committee aims to facilitate industry participation and representation in the development of global standards that will promote technical excellence and enhance interoperability across the BSV ecosystem. To find out more, visit today.

Commenting on today’s announcement, Bitcoin Association for BSV Founding President Jimmy Nguyen said:

‘The work of the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee is vital to professionalising the development of Bitcoin technology for business and ensuring that it is compatible, interoperable and useful. After nearly two years of work, the Merkle proof standardised format becoming the first standard to reach the recommended phase and see real adoption across the BSV ecosystem is a testament to the hard work that has been put in, the processes that have been developed – and more broadly – the importance of the TSC. I would like to extend my personal thanks to the TSC, the members of the Merkle proof standardised format working group and all of the individuals that have contributed to the success of the first BSV technical standard.’

Also commenting, Chair of the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee Steve Shadders said:

‘The first BSV technical standard progressing to the recommended stage – the final stage for technical standards – represents a significant achievement for the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee. The process to get to this stage has been lengthy, but the standard satisfying all of the criteria required to reach the recommended stage is significant and serves as validation, not only for the Merkle proof standardised format, but also for the TSC and the value it brings to the wider BSV ecosystem. Being the first technical standard to reach this stage, there have been several lessons learned throughout the process for the TSC and its working groups, which will benefit the development of all future technical standards – and more broadly – the BSV ecosystem.’

About Bitcoin Association for BSV

Bitcoin Association for BSV is the Switzerland-based global industry organisation that works to advance business on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain. It brings together essential components of the B SV ecosystem – enterprises, start-up ventures, developers, merchants, exchanges, service providers, blockchain transaction processors (miners), and others – working alongside them, as well as in a representative capacity, to drive further use of the Bitcoin SV blockchain and uptake of the BSV digital currency. 

The Association works to build a regulation-friendly ecosystem that fosters lawful conduct while facilitating innovation using all aspects of Bitcoin technology. More than a digital currency and blockchain, Bitcoin is also a network protocol; just like Internet protocol, it is the foundational rule set for an entire data network. The Association supports use of the original Bitcoin protocol to operate the world’s single blockchain on BSV.

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