Tidal Waves and Little Ripples – Front Porch News Texas

We’ve noted several times how life for all of us is seen through our own perspective.  Some people choose to live in a small town.  If they become influential, we may call them a big frog in a little pond.  All the other smaller frogs around may acknowledge the impact he or she might have on their lives through civic leadership and community involvement.

One of those verses we don’t like to be reminded of is the one that says to whom much is given, much is required.  Most of the honest people I know in my small town will tell you we’re blessed to be a citizen of this country, state, county, city and neighboring rural communities.  There’s always room for improvement, but thanks to the efforts of a number of folks willing to volunteer their time or choose to become public servants rather than focusing on building up their personal resumes, we’ve benefitted from their leadership and contribution of their talent in improving our quality of life.

I’ve always been curious as to what brings people to our small town and county.  Sometimes it’s retired people returning home despite Thomas Wolfe’s pronouncement in his book You Can’t Go Home Again.  Fairly often I run into people or interact with them on social media after not having seen or heard from them for ages.  Maybe they’ve returned and joined the Corvette Club and help provide fans in the summer and blankets in the winter to needy elderly through the Senior Citizen Center.  Maybe they’ve found themselves cooking or delivering meals for free for the Meal-A-Day Center or cooking a meal at the Dinner Bell down at First Methodist Church or in other locations in the community.

Most of us are aware of the big frogs in our little pond and greatly appreciate what they’ve done to make our lives better.  I think the little frogs in our little pond who barely make a ripple deserve some recognition too for all their efforts to help take care of all of us.  Each year organizations get together and hand out some plaques and awards to people who may or may not find themselves in the limelight from time to time.  I say let’s hear it for the guys and girls, the stayers and the returners, who ask nothing more than to be able to give back to  a community that raised em and loved em, one that made them feel that given a chance, they could make a difference, however small, in improving on the quality of life they’ve inherited.  Thanks to all you little frogs and frogettes for your efforts.  May all the tiny ripples you make in our community create a tidal wave that even the big frogs can’t ignore.

By Dr. Juan Harrison