The Evil Crypto Machine: A Look At Altcoins Like HUH Token And Safemoon – NewsGram

Yes, you read that right ‘the evil crypto machine’ and I am likely not the only one who thinks this… in fact, it seems that countless memes, forums, and the occasional disgruntled vaccination jabber has something to say on the unregulated cryptocurrencies seeping onto our newsfeeds and into our minds.

The perfect, subconscious evil, working its way into the intricate makeup DNA of our beings… though despite the ever-emerging crypto conspiracy theorist in me, I must revert to what occurs and not what my mind could conjure like some late insertion of a new mythical creature in Harry Potter Verse.

It seems that the cryptocurrency market is becoming, vastly, more popular than it has previously and the likes of HUH Token and SafeMoon are seeing the harsher side of rumours.

Could this mean that altcoins are becoming less popular as cryptocurrency as a whole is gaining in favour? Or, are HUH Token and SafeMoon simply rug-pulls with a snazzy facade?

SafeMoon’s Sinister Intentions

The idea of a rug-pull far exceeds the cryptocurrency sphere its often related to pyramid and Ponzi schemes and for a long time has cornered many the unassertive-trusting individual.

SafeMoon came under suspicion as the cryptocurrency skyrocketed at the team behind the cryptocurrency pumped more and more traffic towards the coin… however, when the value spiked whale investors removed their investment and cashed in, heavily.

This rose speculation for SafeMoon investors who feared that the cryptocurrency had taken their money and with it any chance of seeing it ever again… to the point where, supposedly, lawsuits were enacted against the cryptocurrency.

Eventually, the worries and rumours were squashed, or at least, transferred like some kind of sickness to the next cryptocurrency that managed to achieve early on a success.

SafeMoon seems to have a less sinister side to its over-achieving currency than during its early days as the crypto has proven its worth time and time again for investors.

Could it be that these scam rumours are a product of a society that is fuelled by the instant reaction of a like or twenty-four-hour turnaround of an Amazon delivery? Could it be that without instant results are brains have been wired to assume the worst even when there is countless evidence for the contrary?

Maybe so, though it’s always advisable to do your research into a cryptocurrency before becoming a holder.

HUH Token The Crypto Heathen

HUH Token launched successfully, though, after the information of a vesting system being put into place the blood boiled of many pre-sale holders… and that seems like the standard I-read-the-vibe reaction.

However, it appears that after sometime the reaction slowed and began to heal, meaning that even though the rumours of scam and HUH heathens lowered to almost decreasing altogether.

Could this mean that the evil of the cryptocurrency market is the small hub of scam cryptocurrencies that ruin and spoil the milk for the currencies and teams behind them that have put countless hours and efforts into creating something of worth for their holders?

Thankfully the rumours of the internet are often just that… words with little to no truth behind them and for that reason, SafeMoon and HUH Token managed to escape the fiery grasp of the rumour mill.

If you’re looking into cryptocurrencies and would like to avoid the scam circuit it’s always advised to do your research before buying.

HUH Official Swap:



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