Opera launches new crypto and blockchain-focused web browser

Opera this month announced Crypto Browser Project, a spin-off web browser from its primary Opera browser designed for Web3 with a strong focus on decentralized apps and websites, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies.

“Too few of the web browsing experiences offered today have been built with the intention of putting Web3 centerstage and making blockchain technologies understandable and easy to use,” Opera’s lead of crypto ecosystem, Susie Batt explains in a blog post. “With the Crypto Browser Project, we have set out to change this, and starting today, we are inviting the blockchain community to join this mission. If we are to take Web3 beyond great ideas, we need to craft products that embrace both crypto enthusiasts who understand the space and those who are only starting and want to explore it. Our belief is that the world of blockchain needs a fully dedicated browsing experience.”

Here are some of the primary features of Opera’s Crypto Browser Project:

  • Built-in non-custodial crypto wallet.
  • A secure clipboard that keeps data within the app.
  • Built-in support for decentralized apps (dApps).
  • Support for third-party crypto wallet extensions.
  • Free built-in no-log browser VPN.
  • Built-in ad-blocker and tracker blocker.
  • Spotify, Twitter, Telegram, and Whatsapp integration.
  • Support for Ethereum, Bitcoin, Celo and Nervos blockchain networks.
  • Future confirmed support for Handshake, NEAR, Polygon and Solana networks.

“Over the last decade, blockchain technologies have established themselves as a robust, privacy-focused alternative to centralized platforms while creating enormous value thanks to their ease of use and decentralization,” Batt explains. “Web3 is the evolution of this: it empowers internet users and developers with the ability to address fundamental issues with the current web, making the future more open and decentralized. Thanks to the power of the strong encryption that blockchains provide, Web3 can finally provide a safe way for anyone to get involved in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies; from Decentralized Finance (DeFi) – where you are your own bank, to Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) – the amazing new realm of Digital Art, and GameFi – where you can earn as you play your way through all sorts of metaverses.”

Opera’s new browser, currently just going by Crypto Browser Project, is available to download and try in Beta for Windows devices, Android smartphones and tablets, and Mac computers. An iOS app is currently in the works.

Have you tried Opera’s new browser yet? Share your thoughts with the community in the comments below and then follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more tech news.

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