not only Bitcoin, among the cryptocurrencies of the moment also Ripple and Dogecoin

Although the early stages of 2022 on the cryptocurrency market have been far below investors’ expectations, we continue to look with a lot of interest to the sector, even how asset class to be included in portfolios such as decorrelation element from traditional classes. Indeed, although there have been no signs of a lasting recovery from the correction that began last November, many insiders believe that token, especially those a plus large capitalization, can perform a function of safe haven asset, even more so in macro economic scenarios characterized by high levels of inflation. Of course the crypto they lend themselves well to the implementation of various investment strategies, therefore, depending on the approach you want to implement, you can choose one operating style rather than another. In this regard, to understand how to buy cryptocurrencies, you can visit the portal where to find insights and guides aimed at helping the user navigate among the numerous crypto assets available.

Cryptocurrencies: the hot topics for the coming months

Bitcoin it is the longest-running and most important cryptocurrency in the sector, for this reason many look to the evolution of its prices as a benchmark of the entire ecosystem. Under the technical profile the short-term structure does not appear to be optimal, however, moving to higher-order temporal scans, it can be appreciated how the prices have reached a very important area, which in the past has already played the role of support. From a fundamental point of view, however, at the moment it is only the news that acts as a driver: if in the past sessions the announcement of Russian government, concerning the intention to prohibit trading and the Bitcoin mining, had created a wave of panic selling, the Putin’s statements, showing an opening on the performance of these activities, has temporarily calmed the minds of investors.

Another cryptocurrency under the magnifying glass is Ripple: from a technical point of view, the situation can be traced back to that just highlighted for Bitcoin – quotations in contact with an important support area -, with the only difference that the token XRP has been moving within a very large congestion area for a long time, in fact in the second half of last year no new tops were recorded, as in the case of other underlying assets. Most likely, to understand how to position themselves, investors are waiting for the now imminent outcome of the lawsuit between the company and the Security Exchange Commission US; according to several insiders in April we should put an end to this long story, for better or for worse.

Between the emerging crypto the interest of investors and professionals is catalyzed by Dogecoin, especially in the hope of stealing some indiscretion capable of revitalizing the token and following up on the exploit of the first part of last year. At the moment thetechnical setting it does not offer noteworthy food for thought, naturally with all the limits referable to cryptocurrency pricing structures in which trading volumes are concentrated in limited time spans. It is known, in fact, that Dogecoin feeds on the statements of influential people: the latest in chronological order issued by the usual ElonMusk on the possibility of using the token to pay for some products Tesla.

Cryptocurrencies: an operating mode for each strategy

As already mentioned above, there are different ways of accessing the cryptocurrency market: the trading of Contracts for Difference which replicate the price of a digital asset and the direct purchase of tokens on exchange. The first operational channel is usable, using the trading platforms issued by online brokers: ideal for speculative strategies, thanks to the presence of features such as financial leverage and the short selling.

The second channel, on the other hand, allows you to convert fiat currency in cryptocurrency sui decentralized purses and is particularly suitable for fixed assets over very long time horizons, as it does not include commissions for maintaining open positions overnight.

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