Concordium Blockchain Puts Backing Behind Newly Launched Crypto News Channel, Crypto Channel Direct

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Concordium, the layer 1 blockchain with an ID layer at the protocol level, has announced its sponsorship and backing of a new crypto-focused news channel: Crypto Channel Direct.

Crypto Channel Direct (CCD) is an independent and impartial Youtube-based news show that will cover news and information from around the crypto sphere on a weekly basis with plans to ramp up productions in the future. 

Concordium has come on as a key sponsor of the show and hopes to see it grow into a powerful and reputable news source, something that is much needed in the current space. 

“News and information is the lifeblood in the sector of blockchain and crypto, but there is a lot of misinformation and biased reporting out there. We see CCD as a way to present the news to people in an entertaining, informative, professional and journalistically sound manner,” explained CEO of Concordium Lone Fønss Schrøder. 

CCD will take the approach of a traditional news show with English actress Claire Ross-Brown anchoring the show. However, with an entire new ownership structure:  “We want to involve the community at large in the CCD and are working with the idea of creating a kind of a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) for the channel,” said the Concordium Founder and Chairperson Lars Seier Christensen.

“We want CCD to be the place that people come to hear what is happening in the world of crypto; we want them to be entertained and informed by our show. There is so much noise out there, and a lot of people pushing their agendas in video form. We aim to be a dynamic shining light of crypto news reporting and presenting,” Ross-Brown said. 

Crypto Channel Direct was launched today, January 7, 2021. The show rounds up the news of the week while also presenting interviews and other segments to bolster the content and diversify its production. 

To view the first show, please see the following  link


Maria Amalia Rojas

[email protected]  

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SOURCE Concordium