Bill Marchel: Photo favorites from 2021

This is the 10th year in a row I have ended the year with a column featuring my favorite wildlife images.

This year I decided to do things a bit differently than in the past. Instead of choosing my favorite images from the year, I decided to select four of my favorite categories, and pick one image from each. The categories are white-tailed deer, songbirds, waterfowl and game birds — specifically ruffed grouse.

Bill Marchel

None of the subjects are exotic wildlife, nor were any of the images taken in faraway locations. In fact, all of the photos were shot within a few miles of Brainerd.

The images on this page portray my choices for 2021. I hope these photographs instill in you a new appreciation for the wild critters that inhabit our fields, forests and even our backyards.

This mature white-tailed buck has an impressive rack of antlers and a sturdy stature. Contributed / Bill Marchel

This mature white-tailed buck has an impressive rack of antlers and a sturdy stature. Contributed / Bill Marchel

A male Northern cardinal sits among snow-dusted berries. Contributed / Bill Marchel

A male Northern cardinal sits among snow-dusted berries. Contributed / Bill Marchel

This male ruffed grouse is strutting from his drumming log. What a sight to see as he fanned his tail, fluffed his neck ruffs, and lowered his wings.  Photo / Bill Marchel

This male ruffed grouse is strutting from his drumming log. What a sight to see as he fanned his tail, fluffed his neck ruffs, and lowered his wings. Photo / Bill Marchel

Wood ducks are arguably North America's most colorful waterfowl, featuring hues of purple, green and blue. This drake causes ripples as it flaps its wings. Photo / Bill Marchel

Wood ducks are arguably North America’s most colorful waterfowl, featuring hues of purple, green and blue. This drake causes ripples as it flaps its wings. Photo / Bill Marchel

BILL MARCHEL is a wildlife and outdoors photographer and writer whose work appears in many regional and national publications as well as the Brainerd Dispatch. He may be reached at You also can visit his website at