Battlefield 2042 Portal Dev Looking to Add All-Out War as Featured Experience; XP Progression Focus Mentioned

Those looking for more maps in Battlefield 2042 to play in, we feel your pain. While the game does have Battlefield Portal to add to its longevity, couldn’t DICE just add the BF Portal maps in All-Out Warfare? This questions, which I’m guessing other people have thought of too, has been asked to Ripple Effect Studios — the studio behind Battlefield Portal.

Over on Twitter, Senior Game Director at Ripple Effect Justin Wiebe answered a fan’s request of adding all the BF Portal maps to AoW (All-Out Warfare).

In another Twitter conversation, Wiebe admits that the recently pulled Zombie mode needs to go back to the drawing board, and stresses that core XP progression should be the studio’s focus now.

While I’d love to see the classic Battlefield maps found in BF Portal to be added to the base game, I highly doubt that’s happening given the maps weren’t built with Specialists in mind. Ripple Effect adding it as a Featured Experience might work, though it might need some tweaks since, which would explain why this isn’t just something the devs can flick on and off.

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