Revolutionizing the Blockchain Industry withExtraordinary Cloud Solutions

BlockCerts Blockchain: Revolutionizing the Blockchain Industry withExtraordinary Cloud Solutions


December 17, 2021

BlockCerts Blockchain is the only authenticated blocked blockchain with patented secure virtual space technology.BlockCerts transforms traditional cloud and SaaS into the truly go-digital cloud along with features like speed and agility, decentralized control, and integrated encrypted tools.


Bestowing the Cloud Power to the People

The mission of BlockCerts is to provide “cloud power to the people” through leading a revolution in web 3.0 technology(and they are trying every possible way to implement it). Generally, in the exposed cloud, the providers collect, expose and use data where the providers can track, collect and supply that data to others. They control data and provide risks for businesses and privacy issues through which their mission can easily be accomplished.


A Far-Sighted Leader

Tim is the Founder and CEO of BlockCerts Blockchainwhose past companies processed billions of transactions in fintech, eHealth, and real estate markets. It started as a result of the prior company he founded known as Finaeos, based in Victoria British Columbia. Tim is an absolute cloud pioneer who participated in several beta projects such as the early days of Google AdWords. His cloud software platforms have been designed for the rapid development and cost-effective deployment in compliance-based, complex industries that range across all the sectors from eHealth to financial markets.

Tim is a Founding Faculty Member at the University of Victoria School of Entrepreneurship and former Professor of business entrepreneurship, finance, and information technology, University of Victoria as well as International MBA Cohort China, Royal Roads University. Tim is a graduate and Capstone Leader at MIT Fintech and AI and has received his blockchain certification from Oxford University.


Blending Blockchain and Cloud together to Leverage Solutions

BlockCerts is leading a new technical renaissance in web 3.0 with decentralized cloud. Tim says that gone are the days of siloed software, multiple logins, data spread across multiple apps, exposed data, and individual seat fees. He further adds that BlockCerts has disrupted the SaaS centralized software model to lower risks, ensure privacy, save time, increase productivity, save money, and give the cloud power back to the people.


Authentication: The Heartbeat of the Organization

Tim believes that innovation is a broad topic and he feels that the new authentication from the past stagnant KYC “Know Your Customer” is a new significant benefit for viewing everything in a business. Tim asserts that this new technology creates trust and eliminates risks.

Tim opens up by saying “authentication becomes the heartbeat of an organization”, from HR background checks to employee on-boarding to privacy and protection. “It’s now embedded for every person, every transaction, and every conversation for everyone’s sake.  Public and private keys provide access to see public information while protecting privacy. For example, a quick check-mark visual on a smartphone may signify a vaccination approval while protecting patient privacy and data. Now various levels of access provide differing access to data” he says.


Building a Business Through Trust, Truth, and Transparency

Tim opines being transparent in every step across the management. He claims that tracking for supply chain combined with QR codes and other technologies provides a clear and real-time picture like never before to manage a business. Tim commented that tracking for all business communications and transactions creates a new way to work that catapults productivity while creating “trust, truth, and transparency”.


Every day is all About Innovation at BlockCerts

Every day is all about innovation at BlockCerts. Being the Chief Technology Architect, Tim Vaskois at the heart of that innovation with an inquisitive mind who understands tech and how business works. BlockCerts was sponsored by Microsoft for three years while developing the cloud platform. The Canadian Government provided key grants and some major support that funded the core technology along with the great angel investors who fuelled the 1.9 million development hours embedded in today’s technology


Moment-to-Moment Struggles

BlockCerts challenges were also just similar to most of the companies in technology. It takes many years to build a game-changing technology along with funding, long hours, a great deal of time, and talented people. BlockCerts has shared the vision along the way and fortunately channeled its partners and team who together brought new individuals into the community to fund the technology. Tim’s leadership has put sweat and equity into the company for years and each drop of sweat will share that being an entrepreneur has its stresses.


Ledger of Success that Bagged Laurels

BlockCerts success has brought in laurels to the team and Tim’s leadership -Once an executive of a leading consulting company stated, “You are years ahead of anything else I’ve seen in the market.”

A Financial Group CEO stated, “By integrating the client authentication, private keys, and other BlockCerts tech, it’s a game-changer for our industry.”

In seed to sale supply chain said, “BlockCerts provides superior technology integration adds a completely new dimension for our services in any vertical from NFTs to Luxury Goods to CBD  markets. With real-time tracking and private key token technology benefiting customers and members, it assures timely and secure information for all parties in our supply chain.”

This way BlockCerts has never disappointed both its clients and the industry professionals.


Insights into the Future

BlockCerts is positioned for disruption of a 30-year-old reign in the field of technology with its vision to change the landscapes of many industries with innovative solutions.

Tim appreciated that providing privacy and a wide array of new benefits are changing the digital landscapes and he stressed upon bestowing the “cloud power to the people” by anticipating that BlockCerts shall reign the industry in the future as well.

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