Chief delegates Meeting Seven – Bywire Blockchain News

LONDON (Bywire News) – With the block producers having followed through on their threat to freeze B1’s tokens, the community is taking centre stage as the balance of power swings towards organisations such as the EOS Network Foundation, Pomelo and Eden on EOS. Their weekly meetings, therefore, take on added significance as they discuss how they can take Eden and EOS as a whole, forward. In this, the seventh meeting, they focused on putting flesh on the bones of some fundamental questions Eden needs to answer.

As a quick reminder, here’s the current list of chief delegates:

  • Aaron Cox: Co-Founder Greymass
  • Chris Barnes: 1st Eden Mock Election winner
  • Jesse Jaffe: EOS Bees Queen
  • John Williamson: EOS Nation CTO
  • Brandon Lovejoy: Multimedia Creator
  • Randall Roland: EOS Genesis Community Member

What is our purpose

First up they got existential, focusing on their mission statement and the philosophical questions of who we are and what is our purpose in life?

Ultimately it comes down to a question of how separate Eden is (or should be) from EOS; should they be concentrating on projects which build Eden or purely focusing on what is good for EOS?

In essence, these are one and the same thing. Eden is run on EOS so by definition, anything which is good for Eden, should also benefit EOS somewhere along the line, but as so often, it isn’t quite that simple. Although Eden does run on EOS, it isn’t necessarily exclusively tied to the blockchain – it could run separately.

Therefore there remains a consensus that this is a question which needs to be nailed down. One popular approach appears to come in distinguishing between the ‘what’ and the ‘how’. EOS is ‘what’ they are trying to improve, Eden represents one of the biggest tools for ‘how’ they are currently looking to do it.

Aaron Cox suggested a number of more specific mission statements including.

  1. To elevate individuals within EOS.
  2. To elevate EOS by leading by example.
  3. Provide guidance, leadership and funding.

There is a suggestion that their long term goal should be to do number one, but they are currently delivering only on number 2 – namely showing the way forward by providing leadership. They agreed to continue the discussion and next week aim to come up with a final statement.


There were also questions about the website and other projects they would like to complete. From the beginning of these meetings, the focus has zeroed in on the current website. With some suggesting it needs further development – including more specific and professional-looking photos – they have been looking to harness the power of the community to help.

They have a request for proposals on the website which is an opportunity for community members on Eden to take on the process of building and maintaining the website. Those who are interested can submit their name, proposal and examples of previous work.


There was general agreement on the value of working with Hypha, which builds decentralised tools to help the EOS ecosystem. They see this as a good way to add organisation to their search for people to fulfil certain roles. Hypha brings it all into one platform and makes it much more explicit and organised. They believe it solves a lot of the problems which they are currently looking to solve. They are supportive of working with them. It is coming to EOS. As Chief Delegates, they can speak with a unified voice that encourages the integration of Hypha DAO into Eden OS.

Legal updates

The discussion also focused on whether they should create a joint legal entity that would allow them to legally place money in a bucket and distribute it to projects. It would manage funds on their behalf without speaking for Eden.

As things stand anyone who pays for something to be done would be taking on the obligation themselves. This joint venture would provide an entity that would handle this. It is also an organisation which people can rotate in and out. People may leave, but the joint venture remains. They can create a quasi-disposable entity that is designed to outlive them. If it then doesn’t suit their needs it can be dissolved.

Finally, it was down to personal updates. Among these was news from Jesse Jaffe on further developments towards EOS Bees 2.0. They are also creating newsletters for each of the Hives within EOS Bees. They are creating their newsletters which are being translated into usable English.

Things, then are moving forward, with more discussions and further decisions planned for their next meeting.

(Written by Tom Cropper, edited by Klaudia Fior)