Ripple launches Liquidity Hub enabling institutional access to XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin

  • Ripple’s Liquidity Hub is a crypto liquidity platform that provides end customers with the ability to buy, sell and hold digital assets at competitive prices.
  • The technology used in the new product is the same as Ripple’s two-year-old On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) platform.
  • Analysts have a bullish outlook on XRP price, set a target of $18 for the altcoin based on previous cycle highs.

Ripple’s new product is focused on enhancing BTC, ETH, LTC, ETC and XRP liquidity for enterprises. The platform will source digital assets from market makers, exchanges and OTC desks. 

Ripple announces plans to launch Liquidity Hub in 2022

Ripple’s Liquidity Hub is a solution for enterprises that will enable customers to buy, sell and hold Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). 

Ripple’s announcement reads:

Mainstream crypto requires engagement from financial institutions. While there are many exchanges supporting liquidity through the consumer trading of digital assets, a true crypto-first world will remain elusive without enterprise participation.

With a rise in the number of projects that require users to leverage crypto, tokenized assets and transfer value, Ripple’s new solution is key to offering liquidity to power seamless and affordable access to digital assets for institutions and enterprises. 

Ripple recognizes this as a “crypto-first” approach and offers a turnkey solution to financial institutions. The Liquidity Hub will leverage smart order routing to source BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC and XRP from market makers, exchanges and OTC desks at optimized prices.

The emphasis is on “best possible prices” offered to customers on crypto platforms. The Liquidity Hub tackles the challenge of long and resource-heavy integrations and eliminates pre-funding requirements, freeing up working capital for the enterprise. 

The technology used is the same as Ripple’s ODL platform. 

Asheesh Birla, RippleNet General Manager, said,

We know full-well the need for easy and efficient liquidity management. Crypto and financial institutions are embedded in our DNA. So, it makes perfect sense that as they prepare for a crypto-first world, our customers would want access to the same trusted one-stop-shop for buying, selling and holding crypto assets that has powered our own extensive work with financial institutions.

Analysts have evaluated the XRP price trend and compared it to the previous cycle highs. Gert van Lagen, a cryptocurrency analyst, has compared XRP’s blow-off tops 2013, 2017 and 2021. Based on his analysis, the target for XRP price at the end of 2021 is $18.