Monero, Theta and HUH Token – Which Could Make You A Millionaire for $1000?

Monero, Theta or HUH Token are all cryptocurrencies that have great potential in the future and have even shown snippets of promise in the past. Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and one of the most common ways people become millionaires is through cryptocurrency. Monero and Theta are more established cryptocurrencies, whereas HUH Token is a newer cryptocurrency that is currently in its presale.

The longer cryptocurrencies have been around the harder it is to gain huge profits unless you can put substantial investments in the first place. The saying, the early bird catches the worm exists for a reason and this article will explore Monero, Theta and HUH Token to see which cryptocurrency is most likely to make you a crypto millionaire.

Monero and Theta– Hindsight is 20/20

Monero has not been given the limelight it deserves as a long-term cryptocurrency. Purchasing $1000 worth of Monero at its lowest market price of $0.213, around 7 years ago, would have given you over 4500 Monero coins.

Taking all of these coins and selling them at the maximum market price Monero has achieved, $517.62, would return approximately $2.4 million. This investment alone would have made you a millionaire, although some cryptocurrencies have done this seemingly overnight, this is an impressive growth in value.

Theta had fairly steady growth for a while after release. This stayed true until late 2020 and early 2021. Assuming an initial investment of $1000 at the lowest market price ($0.03977), investors would have received more than 25,000 Theta coins. With a much more manageable hold time of about a year and a half, an investor could then sell these coins at a market high of $15.90. This would result in investors receiving just short of $400,000, a respectable result given the $1000 investment.

HUH Token Potential

While not on the market, HUH Token is available for pre-sale. We have no historical figures to use but we can discuss some of HUH Token’s features and their potential. HUH Token has a dual cryptocurrency distribution system that is achieved through referral, static rewards for holding the token and has introduced incentives for those who purchase during the presale. Currently, you will receive 25% more tokens from your first HUH Token presale purchase along with an NFT.

The referral system will provide BNB to those who refer others, they will receive 10% of whatever the person they referred invests for the first time. Their static reward system distributes additional HUH tokens to all holders for each buy and sale that occurs with HUH Token. The combination of these produces additional wealth on top of the appreciation of the actual token itself. Meaning $1000 could easily replicate or even surpass the impressive earnings of Monero in half the time due to the rapid uptake of cryptocurrency in recent months.

Where to put your $1000?

Monero, despite being a slow burner, has shown itself to earn consistently throughout the years. Theta has seen some success in recent times and is maintaining a respectable market price. The exciting opportunity seems to be HUH Token, with crypto uptake at an all-time high and features that will interest investors they have the ability to have a strong launch.

HUH Token Socials to be followed before its launch:




