Aussies plan to gift crypto like bitcoin, ethereum and solana for Christmas

One Sydneysider has made 30 per cent on his investment in just a matter of months and wants to spread the festive cheer with crypto.

More than a quarter of Aussies plan to buy crypto gifts for loved ones at Christmas this year, according to new research.

Over half of them said they would consider buying actual crypto coins, such as bitcoin and ethereum, as presents for people, while 43 per cent thought crypto-themed socks and hoodies would be a brilliant buy.

The research from, which recently launched a global campaign with actor Matt Damon, found around 42 per cent of Australians were considering coin vouchers and 35 per cent crypto books for Christmas gifts.

Meanwhile 30 per cent said they would look at buying non-fungible tokens (NFTs) such as art, NBA top shot, or Axie Infinity gaming tokens.

Sydneysider Jonny Rottcher-Dalton is one of those people. He started investing in crypto seriously in the last three months injecting $30,000 into the likes of bitcoin and etherum and other alt-coins such as solana, cardano and arweave.

The 24-year-old, who is studying mechanical engineering, has made $9000 so far from his investment and wants to share the love this Christmas.

“I love giving gifts so my housemate, he loves NBA and he got me onto the NBA top shop so I bought a few of those and intend to give him some of those for Christmas, it’s not a passion of mine but passion of his,” he told

“I plan on giving some friends some coins like solana, something small that will grow and be useful in future and maybe some crypto merch.”

The UTS student, who also works for an engineering firm, said he was excited to bring others into the crypto world, adding he was stoked by the profits he had made so far.

“I was in stocks for a while, probably about a year, and they made no where near as much cash as the crypto, the reward wasn’t as good,” he said.

“I feel like the voltality of stocks was a lot greater compared to bitcoin for instance and your alt coins fluctuate a little bit.”

Some Aussies are even planning to fund the festive season with crypto, with nearly 8 per cent admitting they will use tech-forward options like cryptocurrency or a crypto-linked card to pay for Christmas gifts this year, according to the research.

The survey also found that online shopping was likely to be the most popular choice for Christmas purchases this year with 67 per cent of the survey respondents favouring this option.

The internet is growing in popularity because Australians were either worried about going to crowded places due to COVID-19 (22.6 per cnt), found it more convenient (33 per cent), or were looking to take advantage of the deals available on various online marketplaces, such as Facebook and eBay (12 per cent).