Restart Energy launches the RED platform, the first decentralized blockchain system that compensates the carbon footprint

Restart Energy, one of the largest independent suppliers of electricity and natural gas on the local market, announces the launch of RED, the first tokenized carbon offset ecosystem. The platform allows individuals, companies, and other organizations to calculate their carbon footprint and obtain tokenized carbon credits for their positive environmental actions, certified as NFT chips or non-fungible on the blockchain.


Every time someone plants a tree, clears a beach, consumes green energy, or takes any environmental action, they can register this action on the RED platform. Once the data is validated in the platform, the equivalent CO2 footprint is calculated and tokenized carbon credits are issued that can be used to buy green energy or to obtain the cash equivalent. At the same time, a company can obtain carbon credits in the form of green tokens for their customers, through unique QR codes printed on products or purchase receipts.

The platform offers to the renewable energy producers the possibility to certify the origin of the green energy produced on the blockchain also in the form of tokens called REO-G, created according to the European standard of origin guarantees. These certificates of renewable energy origin can also be sold to companies on the platform. The companies can use them afterward to demonstrate their sustainability on the blockchain.

The platform is designed to become a global market and a business ecosystem, to stimulate both individuals and companies to actively participate in the $ 2 trillion carbon market. I am glad that there is already a huge interest around the RED platform and I want more and more Romanians to act as part of a system that rewards positive environmental actions”, says Armand Domuta, General Manager Restart Energy.

“Carpathian Springs, the company that bottles AQUA Carpatica, is currently exploring ways to neutralize its carbon footprint. We tested the RED platform because, using blockchain technology, it offers a transparent, traceable, and fast ecosystem that facilitates participation and validation of offset actions”, says Christos Valvis, Project Manager Carpathian Springs.

The RED platform is based on a state-of-the-art blockchain technology called Zalmoxis, under the Restart Energy brand. The technology is an improved version of Ethereum that runs on PoS and PoA and solves the scalability issue. At the same time, Zalmoxis retains all the benefits of Ethereum, including the transfer of chips issued on RED for the main Ethereum network. On the other hand, energy consumption is 1.000 times lower, emissions are zero, gas taxes close to zero, and speeds up to 100 higher.

From the very beginning, Restart Energy was a company focused on innovation and sustainability and RED came as a natural step in the company’s development strategy.

On this occasion, Restart Energy also launches the first tokenized business system franchise, where the entire business is an NFT token that can be withdrawn or sold. Future franchises will receive the right tools on the blockchain to help companies meet their business needs and meet their sustainability goals.

Franchisees will have access to easy-to-use tools to tokenize any type of business process, contract, artistic creation, or any private or public information, using Zalmoxis Tokenizer and NFT Marketplace.

Organizations will thus have the opportunity to guide the launch of sustainable projects or to symbolize their products by creating custom tokens and validation schemes related to these projects.

The next level will be to create a liquid market for NFT unique tokens to boost global sustainability, linking interesting projects and bringing a positive influence among investors and sustainable companies.