Blockchain symposium Unblock 4.0, Hackathon on October 21

The IT Department of Telangana will host a Blockchain symposium titled Unblock 4.0 on October 21. A 14-day hackathon, HackDLT, also starts on that day, with a focus on solving problem statements in the public sector using the Blockchain technology.

“The rapid adoption of the Blockchain technology is changing the landscape of all major industries such as fintech, healthcare, supply chain and logistics. With a view to explore the avenues further, we are hosting the virtual symposium in association with DLT Labs,” Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, (IT and Industries), said in a statement.

“Un-Block 4.0 is a perfect platform for unveiling the power of blockchain by presenting various industrial-grade applications which will be beneficial to both private and public sectors,” Ajay Singh, Co-Founder and Chief Information Officer of DLT Labs, said.