Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash Set Up For Minimum 3 Elliott Wave Drop

Crypto-currency is in the news with the past several weeks experiencing extreme price volatility.

Today, we look at two crypto-currencies: Litecoin (LTCUSD) and Bitcoin Cash (BCHUSD).

Litecoin, LTCUSD, dropped perfectly from a projected Fibonacci cluster target area (5th wave), so with current sharp and big decline in the 4-hour chart, it seems like a new three-wave A/1-B/2-C/3 reversal is now in play.

Ultimately, this could send the price of LTCUSD back to 136 or lower.

Litecoin 4-hour Elliott Wave Analysis Chart

Like many other cryptocurrencies, even Bitcoin Cash (BCHUSD) experienced a sharp decline on the 4-hour chart. This came after a 5th wave ended at a strong resistance zone.

Similarly, we are looking for a minimum three-wave drop to at least the 520 area for wave “c”. And if more ominous, perhaps even down to 385 for wave “iii”.

Bitcoin Cash 4-hour Elliott Wave Analysis Chart

bitcoin cash usd elliott wave forecast analysis chart september

Twitter:  @GregaHorvatFX

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