Letter to the editor: ‘Why no mask mandate?’

To the Editor:

My wife and I give donations to the West Yadkin School Student Needs Fund three times every year, totaling several hundred dollars. I also volunteered every Monday for seventeen years, tutoring in the reading lab and a kindergarten class.

With the Delta Virus running rampant in our county, my question is why did our Board of Education allow our students to start school without a mask mandate?

I have special interest in the school and am a graduate of West Yadkin High School in 1953 and my late wife was a teacher assistant for eighteen and one half years before she passed away in 1988.

Jerrell Gough


Editor’s note: Subsequent to the start of school on Aug. 17 the Yadkin School Board did reverse course and institute a mask mandate. The decision came as nearly 600 students and staff had been asked to stay home after being exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.