Letter to the Editor: Biden’s destructive policies

To the Editor:

Most US Presidents have wished the American people well. They have generally worked to improve the US economy, and unite the country whenever possible. Mr. Biden, to the contrary, seems to wish us ill. How else explain the following Biden policies?

(1) Closed pipelines, making us dependent on foreign oil.

(2) Continued pandemic unemployment payments, $300-600/week which persuaded some to stop working, destroying many businesses.

(3) Promised to raise taxes once again, further restricting investment and job-creation.

(4) Spent in unprecedented amounts, raising inflation expectations to 5%, more than twice the usual target, as zero interest-rates continue.

(5) Hoped to extend the nat’l debt limit once again, as it approaches $28 trillion.

(6) Opened our Southern border to hundreds of thousands of unvetted and unvaccinated immigrants, who will be eligible for welfare, free medical care, and free education paid for with US taxes.

(7) Handed $80 billion in armaments to the Afghan Taliban, and a $10 billion air-force base, probably to our Chinese enemies.

(8) Proclaimed confidence in Gen Milley, whose treasonous behavior will encourage still further military sedition.

(9) Refused to comment on credible charges that he and his family are paid by Ukrainian, Russian, and Chinese governments for the President’s influence.

(10) Promoted Critical Race Theory, which teaches that Whites hate Blacks, are responsible for their relative poverty, and that only violent revolution will restore equality; and watched as BLM further encouraged racial division and defunding of police.

(11) Watched without comment as his Party elects DA’s and Prosecutors who refuse to punish street crime, permitting criminal chaos in many US cities.

(12) Lockdowns and moratoria on eviction for non-payment of rent permanently destroyed many US small businesses, reminding us that one major Marxist goal is destruction of the middle class.

We recall Mr. Obama’s hope to ‘fundamentally transform’ the US, and wonder if Mr. Biden isn’t simply Mr. Obama’s assistant, exchanging America’s Democratic Capitalism for something closer to Socialism.

Richard Merlo
